First Look: COOKFOX-Designed Concept for 100 Vandam Street, aka 527 Greenwich

100 Vandam Street100 Vandam Street, image by COOKFOX

Two pre-war buildings on the corner of Greenwich and Vandam streets in Hudson Square were reported to be back on the market late last year, with a price-tag of $150 million. While no sale has been recorded yet, YIMBY has the first renderings of what could rise on the site, which could accomodate nearly 150,000 square feet of development.

The plans were drawn up by COOKFOX, and depict what looks to be a 24-story building; 19 stories would rise atop the existing 5-story structures, and the old facades would be kept intact.

Hudson Square’s recent rezoning dramatically increased the value of properties within the neighborhood, as residential uses are now allowed. Jeff Greene is the current owner, having picked up the site for only $50 million back in 2012. Renderings for the site could be for marketing purposes, which means they are not likely to translate into reality. Although with the site lingering on the market for over a year, it’s also possible that Greene could be determined to build the tower on his own.

100 Vandam Street

100 Vandam Street, rendering by COOKFOX

Whatever the case may be, COOKFOX’s design would be a positive contemporary addition to the neighborhood, bringing a refreshing dose of metal and glass to a stretch that is no stranger to new development. Another recent transformation at Beacon Capital’s 330 Hudson Street resulted in 16 floors and 466,000 square feet of office space, also keeping the facade and merely expanding upon its pre-war predecessor. And adjacent to 100 Vandam, Fortuna Realty’s Hotel Hugo recently opened at 525 Greenwich Street.

Immediately to the west, the blocks next to New York’s actual waterfront remain largely inaccessible to pedestrians, cutting off the Hudson River from the rest of Manhattan. Large hulking warehouses dominate due to the area’s industrial past, but these are not nice to walk around, nor do they put the land to its highest and best use, which is housing.

The preliminary plans for 100 Vandam Street have no tentative completion date, and no permits for the site have been filed with the Department of Buildings.

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