Jackson Heights

69-01 34th Avenue

Five-Story, 65,000-Square-Foot Public School, P.S. 398-Q, Filed at 69-01 34th Avenue, Jackson Heights

Back in late 2014, Woodside-based developer Nakorn Realty acquired, for roughly $5 million, the single-story office property at 69-01 34th Avenue, in western Jackson Heights, located four blocks from the 65th Street stop on the M/R trains. The developer planned to build a residential building with ground-floor commercial space, but now the New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) has filed for a five-story, 65,585-square-foot public school at the site. The school, which will be called P.S. 398-Q, will have a cafeteria on the ground floor, a gymnasium on the fourth floor, and a rooftop playground on the fifth floor. Classrooms and administrative offices will fill the remainder of the building. Robert Purcell’s Midtown South-based Purcell Architects is the architect of record. Demolition permits were filed in January to raze the site’s old office building, which most recently served as a regional office for White Castle.

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31-15 86th Street

Three-Story, Three-Unit Residential Project Planned At 31-15 86th Street, Jackson Heights

TNE Buildings has filed applications for a three-story, three-unit residential building at 31-15 86th Street, in Jackson Heights, located one mile north of the 82nd Street-Jackson Heights stop on the 7 train. The new building will measure 3,448 square feet and the full-floor residential units should average 862 square feet apiece, indicative of rental apartments. Pirooz Soltanizadeh’s Jamaica-based Royal Engineering is the applicant of record. The irregularly-shaped 3,383-square-foot plot of land is currently occupied by a single-story rowhouse. Demolition permits have not yet been filed.

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37-34 89th Street

Seven-Story, Eight-Unit Residential Project Planned At 37-34 89th Street, Jackson Heights

Property owner Ruo Ruo Yang has filed applications for a seven-story, eight-unit residential building at 37-34 89th Street, in Jackson Heights, right around the corner from the 7 train’s stop at 90th Street and Elmhurst Avenue. The building will total 8,595 square feet, and units will average 1,074 square feet apiece. Chang Hwa Tan’s Flushing-based Tan Architect is designing, and permits were filed earlier this month to demolish an existing two-story home.

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