
568 Broadway, via Google Maps

Loan Restructuring Completed for Prince Building at 568 Broadway in SoHo, Manhattan

Walker & Dunlop has arranged a $200 million construction loan restructuring for the Prince Building, a 12-story commercial building at 568 Broadway in Soho, Manhattan. Originally completed in 1897, the structure offers a mix of office and retail space. The loan restructuring was secured on behalf of Aurora Capital Associates, working alongside Walker & Dunlop’s New York Capital Markets team. The property is located at the corner of Prince Street and Broadway.

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Photograph of 138 Grand Street, via proposal at

LPC to Review Modification Proposal for 138 Grand Street In Soho, Manhattan

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission is reviewing a proposal for modifications to 138 Grand Street, a cast iron residential building in Soho, Manhattan. The development team overseeing this project is proposing the installation of a barrier-free access ramp at street-level for the building. The project aims to enhance accessibility for residents and visitors while maintaining the building’s historic architectural integrity.

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530 Broadway, via LPC Proposal

LPC Reviews Proposal For Artwork At 530 Broadway In Soho, Manhattan

The New York City Landmark Preservation Commission is reviewing a proposal for a new mural on the north wall of 530 Broadway, an 11-story office building in Soho, Manhattan. The property, managed by SHVO, is composed of three buildings that were adjoined in 2021: 530 Broadway, 532-534 Broadway, and 536-538 Broadway. The combined structure stands at the northeast corner of Broadway and Spring Street.

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Existing conditions at 459 West Broadway, via

LPC To Review Proposal For Wall Signage At 459 West Broadway In Soho, Manhattan

The New York Landmark Preservation Commission will review a proposal for new signage at 459 West Broadway, a six-story residential building in Soho‘s Cast Iron Historic District in Manhattan on Tuesday, February 27. The proposal, which was arranged by JPD Preservation Consulting and Overall Murals, is to replace the existing signage painted on the building’s façade and issue ten-year permits for a new painted sign approximately the same size and in the same location.

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LPC to Review New Mural Addition at 107 Spring Street in Soho

A recent proposal submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) aims to bring a fresh touch to the historic facade of 107 Spring Street, located between Mercer and Greene Streets in Soho’s Cast Iron District. The proposal, compiled by JPD Preservation Consulting and Overall Murals, seeks to allocate space for a painted wall sign, blending historical charm with modern artistry.

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