Due to fair housing concerns, New York City plans to suspend the Affordable Independent Residences for Seniors housing program, aka AIRS, beginning July 21, 2021.
As reported by The Real Deal in December, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) announced it would stop accepting applications for Privately Financed Affordable Senior Housing program, which allows developers to increase the scale of a project for incorporating affordable senior housing.
To qualify for the increase, developments must allocate a minimum of ten units to elderly residents making at or below 80 percent of the area median income and fill 90 percent of those apartments with at least one resident age 62 or older.
HPD announced to the New York State Association for Affordable Housing that it was suspending the program because of concerns that senior units are off limits to families who would benefit from living in “high-opportunity areas” with proximity to good schools, mass transit, and other amenities.
Any senior housing applications filed prior to the July cutoff will have new deadlines in the upcoming months. It is unclear if HPD has plans to revise the program.
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Would love to have a application please
I would love to apply for a senior housing in New York thank you
Living with son and his wife in a 1 bedroom. 83 years old, need a 1 bedroom senior aot
Love ah application please
When you get any available application for a one bedroom unit for a single adult send me one thank you
I am interested in an application for 2-bedroom apartment.
im living in a family adult shelter with and disabled adult son needs help getting out the shelter all all so with explaining more situations thank you
I would appreciate an application. Thank you
I need a one bedroom apt. Would love to have an application. I am 72 years old.
Stupidity on the part of HPD. Shut down a good program which brings stable senior citizen into apartments.
‘…concerns that senior units are off limits to families who would benefit from living in “high-opportunity areas” with proximity to good schools, mass transit, and other amenities…’
In other words let’s fill those apartments up with destructive Section-8 welfare families.
Your assumption is inappropriate. All Section 8 participants are not destructive. If available Section 8 is for seniors also, however, unimaginable waiting lists.
Unfortunately, it’s not their call…this happened with artist housing as well. The feds probably told them to stop as it violates fair housing.
It’s dumb for sure but it’s not HPD’s fault, they want these type of programs.
I would love to have 3 bedroom me & my kids
Send me applicatio looking for two bedrooms
Live with other people would like application for one bedroom have chops voucher
How is that not discriminatory to seniors?
Looking for a two bedroom
You would have to make $17,000 yrly, or less for a single person to qualify.
For couples, the maximum income can not exceed $35,000 yrly.
Would love to be able to apply.
Never Forget, Its all about MONEY not seniors…
It’s about time someone look out for seniors with regard to affordable housing .Please send an application when they become available.
Una aplicación por favor …. o un link donde aplicar
need application for 2 bedroom thank you
It’s amazing love it?. I’m a senior citizen (62) I’m interested in one bedroom. Blessings?for this page.
Thanks a lot.
Should we discontinue senior housing programs; let them fend for themselves in the market and focus on families???
Looking for a 1-bedroom apartment … Please send me an application as soon as 1 is available. Thank you for your time & cooperation
First to the person who obviously knows nothing about sec 8
The majority of people with sec 8 are not on Welfare
What makes you think people on Welfare are destructive
Due to C19 there are a ton of people on welfare
Seniors are the most important people they have wisdom and knowledge
But who needs or cares about them
Take their homes money
Cast them the wind
Umm section 8 is welfare.
I would lime to have an application
Diane Williams you are exactly right! I held a Section 8 certificate and always worked… paid almost $2,000 being on Section 8! How many people make ignorant comments that they have no idea what they talking about. I managed to get a college degree my darling my daughter got her college degree and I gave it up now I am looking for a home claim to be a homeowner soon. I was not on welfare programs are ridiculous these days and even some married couples have section 8! People please educate yourself before you make ignorant comments
Diane Williams. Thank you for your educated response to that section 8 comment. You are a better person
Good afternoon , I would like to apply for the affordable apartments in Long island City Queens New York. I would like to apply for the new apartments that are coming. Can you please send the application to my email. Thank You!! Tiesha Lacaille
I would love to have a application please it will be my gift for 2021 thank you in advance
Please send information where applications are available
I am interested in a 3bedroom
interested in a studio apartment.
Where can I go to fill out an application
I need one bedroom apartment please send me application.
I am a senior looking for affordable housing please send me the information to obtain an application.
Thanking you in advance.
I would love an application for the seniors one bedroom apartment
Im looking a one bedroom please send application
Thank you
I’m interested in a two bedroom apartment can I send me an application
Please send application
I apologies I’m looking for a one bedroom I will be 59 years old don’t mind going on a waiting list until I turn 62
I am looking for senior housing in Brooklyn n.y. Where and when can I apply
I a vet and a senior who would like to apply for senior housing.
Please forward all info and applications needed to acquire these accommodations.
Thank you kindly
I need an application for a one bedroom.
Thank you
Thank you for this important information. Please forward an application for a one bedroom or two bedroom request. Thank you.
Please forward application for two bedrooms. Thank you.
Please send me an application. Thank you!
I would love a application I’m a working mother mother 3 trying to get out the project
Seniors are our most vulnerable
Citizens when it comes to poverty and job discrimination due to age They’re on fixed income and need access to fair low income housing.
Please send me an application for a studio apartment. Thank you,
Anthony Manello
I would like an application for myself, please send it to. Juanita Waters, 8802 Enfield Ct, apt 13, Laurel, MD 20708;
I would love to have a chance to live in one of those beautiful apartments ? , My email is qawijones123@gmail.com thanks for listening.
Rent is to high how rent going to be four us who works not getting enough house to get buy I lost my jobsdo to corona I apply for assistance I was denied more then two times I am being on my rent $21000 who do need to speak to
Why is it that most of the new developments that are being built your income cannot exceed 35,000 for a SENIOR CITIZEN!!!
I would like an app to.im 64 years old and recently retired my income has been reduced and its hard to pay all my bills now
Need a one or two bedroom
Please let me know how and where to apply. I’m a senior.
Thank you.
Happy New Year 2021.
I would like an application
My name is Nancy Patnelli
The buildings that you present are all beautiful.
I want a application ty so much
Studio ty Evelyn F
I am a senior, looking for a 3 bedroom. I would like a application.
Senior married couple in need of one bedroom apartment. Well-kept building with reliable elevators. Please forward application to mrecio3@gmailcom.
Thank you
M Recio
I would love to have a one bedroom apartment
I would love to have a one bedroom apartment please let me know how I can apply thank and stay safe?
I will like application for my mom and I she is a disable person that can’t be alone, thanks
Please send me an application when they are available . 69 years old , retired , disabled , priced out of current housing market . Thank you .
I want an application for 1 bedroom please. Thank you.
I hope the real estate people who run this will have some kind of form letter you can send to the hunters of people that respond to the senior housing articles. You must let them know that you cannot send them an application but also you must send them a link to where they can get on a waiting list for affordable senior housing. I can’t believe you haven’t done this publicly on all these articles already.
I do not agree with suspending the AIRS program.