“Whiteout” Public Art Installation Comes to Madison Square Park, Flatiron District

Whiteout on Oval Lawn, rendering by Edwin RedlWhiteout on Oval Lawn, rendering by Edwin Redl

A new public art installation has come to Madison Square Park’s Oval Lawn, in the Flatiron District. The piece is named Whiteout, and it consists of nine hundred white LED orbs suspended by cable in the shape of two parallel rectangular grids. The lights hang about a foot above the ground, allowing the wind to create noticeable oscillating patterns. Erwin Redl, an Austrian artist, is responsible for the creation of the piece.

Whiteout from above, rendering by Edwin Redl

Whiteout from above, rendering by Edwin Redl

Redl said of his work, “I am intrigued by the Park’s option of a large-scale installation that blurs the border between the virtual and the real. The physicality of the swaying orbs in conjunction with the abstract animations of their embedded white lights allows the public to explore a new, hybrid reality in this urban setting.”

Whiteout is on view through March 25th, 2018, but don’t try and get up close. The lawn is closed each winter.

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