Borough Park

1727 49th Street

Three-Story, Three-Family Residential Building Coming To 1727 49th Street, Borough Park

Gabriel Eisen, doing business as an anonymous LLC, has filed applications for a three-story, three-unit residential building at 1727 49th Street, in southern Borough Park, located five blocks from the 18th Avenue stop on the F train. The new structure will encompass 8,646 square feet, and 6,402 square feet will be used as residential space. That means full-floor units will average 2,134 square feet apiece and are likely being built to accommodate families within this Hasidic Jewish neighborhood. Brooklyn-based Eretz Builders Assistance, a general contractor, is the applicant of record. The site’s old two-story, two-unit house was demolished this past December.

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42-02 Fort Hamilton Parkway

Five-Building, 31-Unit Mixed-Use Development Planned At 42-02 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Borough Park

Back in 2014, a row of five four-story, four-unit residential buildings were built from 1038-1052 42nd Street, in northern Borough Park, and now five more buildings have been granted permits on the same block. Adjacent to the completed buildings, there will be three four-story, four-unit residential structures at 1054-1058 42nd Street. The residential square footage of each building varies, but will total between 5,500 and 6,000 square feet. Closer to Fort Hamilton Parkway, two seven-story mixed-use buildings are planned at 1060-1066 42nd Street. Both structures will have retail and community facility space, but one will contain nine residential units and the other will have 10 units.

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4545 18th Avenue

Six Three-Family Residential Buildings Planned At 4515 18th Avenue, Borough Park

Shimon Lichtenstein, doing business as a Brooklyn-based LLC, has filed applications to build four, three-family residential buildings at 4545 18th Avenue, on the edge of Borough Park. Each of the buildings will measure 4,587 square feet, and full-floor units will average a specious 1,529 square feet apiece. Queens-based Grigori Zinkevitch is the architect of record. The site must first be subdivided into four 22-foot-wide tax lots, and an existing single-story auto-shop will have to be demolished. Future residents will be conveniently located around the corner from the 18th Avenue stop on the F train.

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1362 54th Street

Four-Story, Seven-Unit Residential Building Planned At 1362 54th Street, Borough Park

Mordechai Schwimmer has filed applications for a four-story, seven-unit residential building at 1362 54th Street, in central Borough Park, located right around the corner from 55th Street stop on the D train. The structure will measure 7,333 square feet in total, which means units will average a family-sized 1,048 square feet apiece. Diego Aguilera’s Rego Park-based architecture firm is the applicant of record. Demolition permits were recently filed to take down the existing 2.5-story, two-unit brick house.

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1325 53rd Street

Four-Story, Six-Unit Residential Building Planned At 1325 53rd Street, Borough Park

Property owner Avrum Rubin has filed applications for a four-story, six-unit residential building at 1325 53rd Street, in Borough Park, three blocks north of the 55th Street stop on the D train. The project will measure 8,790 square feet, and units will average a family-sized 1,465 square feet apiece. Hudson Valley-based Thomas Kenneth is the applicant of record, and an existing three-story apartment building must first be demolished.

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