Twin Two-Story, Two-Family Houses Coming to 5428 Amboy Road, Huguenot, Staten Island

5428 Amboy RoadPre-demolition 5428-5430 Amboy Road

Property owner Robert Germano, doing business as an anonymous Staten Island-based company, has filed applications for twin two-story, two-family residential buildings at 5428-5430 Amboy Road, in Huguenot. That located along the South Shore of Staten Island. They will measure 5,234 square feet each. Each structure will have a single unit on the ground floor, followed by a second unit across a mezzanine level and the second floor. Across both houses, the residential units should average a family-sized 1,832 square feet apiece. Anthony Scaglione’s Staten Island-based Scaglione Architects is the architect of record. The 80-foot-wide, 13,943-square-foot assemblage is currently vacant. Single- and two-story houses were demolished last month. The neighborhood’s Staten Island Railway station is located around the corner.

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2 Comments on "Twin Two-Story, Two-Family Houses Coming to 5428 Amboy Road, Huguenot, Staten Island"

  1. YIMBY..tomorrow I have party with my family so I’ll late for your comment, but I promise with my responsibility (because I can’t leave a progress)..wide or narrow space in this plan, read the details of two family-houses.

  2. staten islander | August 11, 2016 at 2:17 pm |

    Nice area but a very busy 2-wy street with the S55 bus running in front of the homes. Also across from a church. You can walk to some shopping on Huguenot Avenue including, of course, at least three banks and a Dunkin’ Donuts.

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