Supertall 50 Hudson Yards Sees Slight Height Increase, Will Now Rise 1,011 Feet

50 Hudson Yards50 Hudson Yards, along Tenth Avenue. Credit: Related-Oxford

New permits have been filed that reveal 50 Hudson Yards will rise to be 1,011 feet tall. This brings the tower further into the supertall territory, when before it was one foot above the official minimum of 984 feet, or 300 meters. It is unclear how or if this will affect the overall design. The tower is the last of Hudson Yard’s first phase to start construction, and will coincidentally be the largest by floor area.

50 Hudson Yards Skyline

Hudson Yards, image via Related

The development started moving forward at full force last September when Related Companies, Oxford Properties, and Mitsui Fudosan announced the completion of a $3.8 billion deal to finance construction of the tower. Related and Oxford are responsible for the development of Hudson Yards.

50 Hudson Yards lot, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

50 Hudson Yards lot, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

The 58-story structure will yield 2.9 million square feet of office space, giving it a larger footprint than its neighbor, 30 Hudson Yards. Investment management firm BlackRock has signed a lease for 850,000 square feet of offices across the lower 15 floors.

50 Hudson Yards lot with 30, 35, and 55 Hudson Yards in view, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

50 Hudson Yards lot with 30, 35, and 55 Hudson Yards in view, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

Norman Foster + Partners is responsible for the design.

50 Hudson Yards foundation, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

50 Hudson Yards foundation, image by Andrew Campbell Nelson

Since we last checked in, excavation has wrapped up. Foundational work is now underway, making some significant progress. The first hints of the superstructure are now visible, and concrete has already started to define the lot’s base. Concrete is likely to start rising above the streets in early 2019. Completion is expected by 2022.

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7 Comments on "Supertall 50 Hudson Yards Sees Slight Height Increase, Will Now Rise 1,011 Feet"

  1. Please pardon me for using your space: Take me to its progress legally, by design and shining tower.

  2. Duncan Lonsdale | August 22, 2018 at 9:08 am | Reply

    Too bad about the super boring design. Another lost opportunity.

  3. more sqft than 1 WTC !!

  4. Don’t hold your breath Related won’t be done until 2030 unless they build all union

  5. Worker storage cabinet

  6. Another dog from Norman Foster. It’s a huge, chunky, graceless box. Why this guy is viewed as a “Starchitect” I’ll never understand

  7. RE: “It’s a huge, chunky, graceless box.”

    Yep, true that. Will fit right in with the rest of the soon-to-be world’s (infamous) capital of “Fugliest Supertalls” – Hudson Yards.

    Nearly all vying to see which can be the Fugliest Supertall of them all.

    For sure, Hudson Yards is “Exhibit ‘A’” of a city that no longer aspires for the type of architectural brilliance and achievements of the sort exhibited by buidlings that made our city’s skyline the envy of the world such as: the Woolworth Building, the Chrysler Building, Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Citicorp Center, Lever House, the Seagram’s Building, Met Life (nee Pan Am), Grand Central Terminal, NY Life, Con Ed – just to name but a handful iconic, mostly skyline defining buildings!

    Of course, Jean Nouvel’s amazing 53 West 53rd Street, one of the few recent additions (btw, as is the gorgeous, instantly recognizable and iconic American Copper Building) that does bring on the “Wow!” and for sure makes for a worthy addition to our city’s skyline, would have to be the Supertall that got its height chopped by 200 or so feet (something each and every one of the full-on FUGLIES in Hudson Yards deserves…just sayin’).

    Go figure! ?

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