111 West 57th Street’s Façade Continues to Wrap Up in Midtown

111 West 57th Street. Rendering by Hayes Davidson

Exterior work is getting closer to completion on 111 West 57th Street, a 1,428-foot-tall residential supertall on Billionaires’ Row and number two on our countdown of the tallest projects under construction in the city. Designed by SHoP Architects and developed by   JDS DevelopmentProperty Markets Group, and Spruce Capital Partners, the 60-unit Midtown skyscraper stands as the world’s most slender structure with a height-to-width ratio of 24:1.

Recent photos show the progress that has occurred since our last update in September, when the Art Deco-styled glass and terra cotta cladding had recently reached the parapet on the eastern and western elevations. Since then, the construction crane has begun to come down and portions of the curtain wall on the northern and southern faces has been filled in.

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

The crane’s operating cab currently sits just below the start of the metal-framed crown, and it’s possible that it could be fully dismantled over the course of the winter. Meanwhile, the exterior hoist remains attached to the center line of the northern façade, leaving a strip of windows remaining to be filled in.

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

The southern base of 111 West 57th Street. Photo by Michael Young

Among the residential inventory at 111 West 57th street is the Landmark Residences, a collection of 14 homes designed by Studio Sofield and marketed by Douglas Elliman located inside the prewar annex that was originally designed by Warren & Wetmore. Prices for these homes range from $8,750,000 for a two-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bathroom residence to $21,000,000 for the Landmark Penthouse. The remaining 46 units are all inside the tower itself and range from $16 million to upward of more than $57 million. Recently, a two-story penthouse sold for more than $50 million. The four-bedroom, 7,100-square-foot residence is located nearly 1,000 feet above Midtown and features 14-foot-high ceilings. 2020 also saw two other units purchased for over $30 million each.

It now looks like 111 West 57th Street is expected to be fully completed sometime next year.

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29 Comments on "111 West 57th Street’s Façade Continues to Wrap Up in Midtown"

  1. Now, ‘THAT’ is a building worth taking a photo of!!

  2. David in Bushwick | December 30, 2020 at 8:49 am | Reply

    Lots of YouTube videos on this tower including tours of the finished model unit. Bet they wish the project had finished last year.

  3. Wow what a bad time to finish a project.
    Prices are down all over the city. Buyers should ask for 33% off .
    You never know many buyers may just leave their units empty.

  4. It is just so stunning to look at. And with everything considered, I believe 111 West 57th Street is the most beautiful New York skyscraper in a long time. I absolutely love it.

  5. What about the window that fell last Thursday. It was the third time! Not a positive mark for the facade.

  6. If they built the building with Union contractors with skilled workers it would have been finished and sold out by now. They missed the market.I believe it is in the 6th year of construction.

  7. Looking at closeups of the East and West elevations here make me feel as if I’m on an acid trip ( am I ? )
    This is a building you have to take a ‘step’ back from to fully appreciate.

  8. Isn’t this the building that has lost a few windows lately? Have heard about giant panes of glass falling/smashing on the street.
    How do they replace them once the cranes are removed… such as those on the 70th floor or higher? Through the elevator?!

    • Actually, I recall reading that this building because of how ‘slender’ it is, has a unique 2-level elevator, with the top section for passengers and the bottom for freight!

  9. That building is dangerous- falling glass!!

  10. It would have been a much better building if the base matched the two adjoining buildings. With some brick and stone work….
    Will this be architecture 20 – 50 years from now that we will come to NYC to see like the iconic designs of the 1900’s to 1950’s?

  11. They had another incident the past week with falling glass onto the street and outdoor dining below… AGAIN. Isn’t this the 2nd time within 2 months and over 6 reported times in the history of this building? What a failure.

  12. The crown above the present crane cab has an unfinished appearance that is not consistent with the building design. I imagine its open design considers wind load. There also does not appear, from he photos, to contain much if any mechanical equipment further questioning its purpose. Otherwise sharp looking building.

  13. That buildings falling down faster than its going up.

  14. Try as I might, I just can’t adjust to the “slimness” of it. Also, I see an exterior maintenance/repair nightmare in the not-to-distant future. Having said all of that, it’s growing on me with the passing of time.

  15. Randall Cummings | December 30, 2020 at 3:05 pm | Reply

    I may be incorrect but wasn’t this building at start the Nordstrom building with retail of same name at base.

    • No. That’s 225 W 57th St. AKA the 1,555-ft “Nordstrom Tower”, which also is the one with the 7-story Nordstrom store. Its a few blocks away from 111 W 57th St.

  16. Randall Cummings | December 30, 2020 at 3:06 pm | Reply

    I do like it.

  17. I dislike all the buildings on that row. They do not add to the skyline, they actually take away. Besides all they are only for the 1%, and I have been up in these due to the nature of my profession, you can feel it move in the wind. These are eye sores of a once mighty skyline.

  18. Come the Revolution, we shall show mercy!
    How? By permanently locking the doors of this shameful monstrosity of a building,
    locking them tight, to keep the assorted Russian oligarchs and ultra rich thieves within,
    in confinement for the rest of their dastardly lives.
    Bread and water? No, let them eat Twinkies …and water!
    As in the age of the Pharoahs, this building will be a fitting thousand foot tombstone,
    a tombstone for a Society and an Economy whose priorities and rewards
    were warped beyond redemption or reason.
    Unless of course it fittingly falls down, due to shoddy construction by non-union labor.
    Just kidding folks.
    Revolution? Hogwash, complete and utter hogwash!
    Why, the next thing you’ll be telling me is that stalwart Republicans,
    those brave defenders of the Constitution and the ultra-rich,
    will someday try to overturn the results of a Presidential election.
    Hogwash, all hogwash! For THIS , my friends, is Amerika!
    And speaking of clean hogs, I’m sure that these elite building residents,
    being the best of the best in the belly of the beast,
    absolutely deserve everything that their callous society
    and their purchased politicians
    and their greedy little hearts have gotten them.
    And what a simply splendid place this will be, splendid I say,
    for a stunning suicide leap …..when everything falls apart.

    • You sound like those nice leftists poisoning their neighbors dogs and r*ping kids while assaulting the parents.
      Love they say. Of course.
      Luciferian love.

  19. The 1st photo is beautiful…thx M. Young. I checked out the lot when this bldg. was getting underway..did not believe they were able to build this there. The crown is dark @ night currently…hope they light it up. Keep on reaching.

  20. the reason the crown looks unfinished is because it is unfinished. lets not pick on it or even the glass too much until its done and the crane is removed. that will happen sometime in 2021, but obviously no time soon. this article is jumping the gun a bit on its completion.

  21. another stab at breaking unions on a project to house 1% ers leaves the rest of us out

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