Permits Filed for 1616 Crosby Avenue in Pelham Bay, The Bronx

1616 Crosby Avenue in Pelham Bay, The Bronx1616 Crosby Avenue in Pelham Bay, The Bronx via Google Maps

Permits have been filed for an eight-story residential building at 1616 Crosby Avenue in Pelham Bay, The Bronx. Located between Middletown Road and Daniel Street, the lot is two blocks south of the Buhre Avenue subway station, serviced by the 6 train. Alfred Mitaj under the First Structure LLC is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 74-foot-tall development will yield 26,797 square feet, with 21,433 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 31 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 691 square feet. The masonry-based structure will also have a cellar and a 45-foot-long rear yard.

Badaly Architects is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits have not been filed yet for the three-story residential structure on the lot. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

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11 Comments on "Permits Filed for 1616 Crosby Avenue in Pelham Bay, The Bronx"

  1. Well get ready for a pile of crap.

    • I think that an 8-story building will blend seamlessly into this neighborhood, and won’t even be noticed by the 2-story house next door!? ?

      • Eh, this neighborhood has a wide mixture of housing types. There may be a 2-story next door but there are also 5-story buildings down the street, and a 15-story building around the block.

        It’s also like a 3 minute walk to the subway. Areas this close to the subway should support more housing, especially this neighborhood which is mostly underzoned.

        • The problem is that NYC is tilted too far toward rentals. This was a family oriented neighborhood. It loses that vibe as families get pushed out. It no longer is a NEIGHBORhood and just becomes another place people just pass through. NYC was a city of neighborhoods once upon a time.

          • I wouldn’t say that renter dominance is a problem. Even Pelham Bay, the neighborhood where this development will be located, is dominated by renters. No different than most of NYC in that regard.

            Like all neighborhoods in NYC, Pelham Bay contains a mixture of household types. What makes a neighborhood family oriented? It is rental vs owner occupied housing? Or more relevant is it access to quality educational facilities, amenities for children, and affordable multi-bedroom units? I would argue the latter by far.

          • Lorraine givens | March 4, 2021 at 7:30 pm |

            Yes yes i like it how can i get an application to on of these beautiful appartment. Thank you

    • I’m not conplaining about the height or unit count. BADALY designed buildings are the worst, most soulless new structures in the borough. The end product leaves the streetscape with a net negative. Developers hire them because they are cheap and will crank out thoughtless lowest-common-denomenator “designs” no questions asked. They ought to have their license to practice yanked from them for defacing the borough. Check out latest contribution on Bronx Park E.

  2. No parking in a neighborhood where most drive and finding a space is tough. Would be a pleasant surprise if the design was inspired.

  3. Eduisito salas | March 4, 2021 at 11:13 pm | Reply

    2 dos habitaciones por favor

  4. Crosby Avenue is heavily trafficked and triple parking is an every day occurrence because the small shopping area is a half block away from the proposed building. WE do not need another high rise building.

  5. The neighborhood has changed from what it used to be the crime rate has escalated and people are not safe any longer. It’s sad to see an incredible multi cultural neighborhood change drastically in a matter of two years. Is no longer a safe community!

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