New Renderings Revealed For Wynn Resorts At Phase Two Of Hudson Yards 

Rendering courtesy of Related Companies and Wynn Resorts.

Wynn Resorts revealed a series of new renderings for its proposed casino and hotel location within phase two of Hudson Yards. Developed with Related Companies, the master plan, expected to cost $12 billion, consists of multiple skyscrapers that will additionally yield space for 1,500 apartments, two million square feet of office space, a public school, and a daycare center. The master plan is slated to rise directly west of the first phase of Hudson Yards over the 13-acre open-air Western Rail Yards bound by West 33rd Street to the north, West 30th Street to the south, Eleventh Avenue to the east, and West Street to the west.

The main rendering shows a perspective of the Hudson Yards neighborhood from above the Hudson River. Wynn Resort’s 80-story, 1,189-foot supertall skyscraper is positioned along the northern end of the rail yards by the corner of Eleventh Avenue and West 33rd Street, near the Jacob K. Javits Center and northernmost terminus of the High Line. The gently tapering structure will span 2.7-million square feet with 1,750 guest rooms along with a conference center, retail, and restaurant space. At its pinnacle is a symmetrical and sloping crown with the hotel name displayed on the southern face. Meanwhile, the anticipated 1,366-foot supertall office skyscraper subtly peaks above the stepped roof line of the separate 1,172-foot supertall residential skyscraper to its west, which has a structurally distinct set of supersized columns that flank and tower over the High Line. Its overall appearance uses a dense network of continuous fins that express the building’s verticality.

Rendering courtesy of Related Companies and Wynn Resorts.

Here we see three renderings of the multi-story podium, featuring floor-to-ceiling glass walls with a dense array of light-colored vertical fins and glass railings lining the edge of several outdoor terraces that overlook the proposed 5.6-acre public park in the center of phase two. The rooftop of the podium is also populated with trees and shrubbery.

Rendering courtesy of Related Companies and Wynn Resorts.

Rendering courtesy of Related Companies and Wynn Resorts.

Rendering courtesy of Related Companies and Wynn Resorts.

Finally, the street-level rendering below looks east along West 33rd Street towards 11th Avenue, depicting the porte-cochere tucked around the eastern corner of the gaming podium. Wynn Resorts has its name displayed on a gray trapezoidal stone slab amidst a row of tall and round metallic columns.

Rendering courtesy of Related Companies and Wynn Resorts.

It was last reported that the office tower will also include a 750-seat public school in its multi-story podium, while the residential building will yield 1,507 units, of which 324 will be dedicated to affordable housing. The overall layout seen in the renderings matches the following diagrams seen in our last update.

Schematic master plan with the casino component.

Schematic building massing and zoning diagram with the casino component.

Below is a quote from Michael Weaver – Chief Communications and Brand Officer, Wynn Resorts.

“Although the total development cost for the Western Hudson Rail Yards complex may be as high as $12 billion, as recently reported, the development cost for the Wynn New York City gaming resort is approximately $5.7 billion, excluding licensing fees and financing costs.”

Further design details and a final location that will win the casino bid has yet to be announced.

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68 Comments on "New Renderings Revealed For Wynn Resorts At Phase Two Of Hudson Yards "

  1. Looks nice. Build it.

  2. Beautiful development, and over totally wasted space currently. I say build it now!

  3. Eccellent design

  4. let’s go!

  5. Kids can hit the slots after school! Great.

  6. Massive land grab by Related. The podium for the casino is outrageously scaled. There was supposed to be a lovely, central pubic space on this site. What Related is now proposing is more like a wide alleyway next to a towering casino. I think this be the largest private floorplate building in Manhattan. Related should stick to the commitments they’ve already made to the community and the city.

  7. Do we need office buildings?

  8. These buildings are way too tall, not at all staying true to the original masterplan. And perfect the degenerate gambling drunks can go right outside and pass out in the park! What a joke.

    • too tall for… midtown manhattan? give me a break.

      • Thank you! And the hookers….

      • The entire point of the masterplan is to reduce height as you creep towards the water to maximize views for all towers and create an aesthetic skyline from across the river. Use your brain bigger is not always better but guessing you’re in support of 262 5th ave as well

        • Peterinthecity | March 15, 2024 at 12:04 am | Reply

          Well, I’ve seen plans like that and they honestly don’t work, IMO. So I think this is a nice alternative. It’s midtown Manhattan, not Washington DC along the river.

          • Lol what exactly about them didnt work? In your opinion? If ya put the tallest buildings on the water then only they get the view of the water its pretty simple lol

    • I have a chuckle when I read or hear people that are opposed to new tall buildings in NYC, especially in midtown.

  9. Is this contingent on winning the casino bid?




  11. Well, at least they left something of a ‘view corridor’ to the Empire State Building when looking East, from the Hudson River..

  12. Love this – hope it happens as rendered.

  13. Gorgeous, distinctive buildings. I hope they are built as shown.

  14. W-A-Y too much Commercial for extreme Midtown-West. Seems that Hudson Yards has openly abandoned the pretext of developing a residential neighborhood, and is doing whatever it can to breathe life into its dying Shopping Mall. Unfortunately, the #7 provides no viable subway convenience for 95%+ of office workers. Residential would make more sense to most, however opinions seem firmly opposed to living in this non-existent “neighborhood”.

    • Thank you! And what about the electrical grid? Has anyone thought about that?

    • Peterinthecity | March 14, 2024 at 11:57 pm | Reply

      Come on, commercial to residential conversions are all the rage rn. Don’t worry if the buildings are nearly new and needing to be converted, it all works out in the end. Build it and they will come…eventually./sarc

  15. Peterinthecity | March 14, 2024 at 11:37 am | Reply

    Get ‘er done. Stop wasting time and just build it- like the rendering with a lush park space.

  16. Giving me Shanghai/Dubai vibes.

    • Peterinthecity | March 14, 2024 at 2:22 pm | Reply

      Never been to Dubai, but absolutely Shanghai and Suzhou vibes. Totally not what I’d expect for NYC, but I like the way it opens Manhattan to the river compared with the Javits center to the left.

  17. It looks like Crown Sydney in Australia.

  18. They aren’t going to hit any of their numbers once the job killing, tourist killing, visitor killing congestion pricing takes effect.

    • I’m with you on the congestion pricing. A thoroughly terrible idea.

    • Pretty sure Manhattan will get by without the New Jersey and Long Island car commuters. Tourists will have a much easier ride in their cab without those cars around.

  19. David in Bushwick | March 14, 2024 at 1:28 pm | Reply

    Having only 324 affordable units is an absolute joke. Two million more square feet of office space is dumb. And the towers should step down to the water, not this trophy phallus mess. The park is nice but pointless with a casino and so little housing.
    The second phase should primarily be housing with 50% affordable. And if we must have a casino, build it at Aquaduct where access is so much better. A casino should not be the crowing achievement of Manhattan.

    • The corporate shills in here are like “all class A buildings are doing so well”

      So what? There’s much more of a demand for apartments

      • Doubt there is much lingering demand for super “luxury” apartments (read: stupid prices for a place that can’t hold a dining table…). Lots sitting empty

    • Jack Arkitekt | March 17, 2024 at 2:12 pm | Reply

      Do you understand this, new glassy shards on Times Square and this long promised second part of Hudson Yard, is financial political game for failed NY Governorship and NYC leadership!!! Hochul hobby friends will be happy to get billions from us, the peasants, also Kamala Harris hubby and her friends too… Realtors and luxury real estate developers, they zero care about housing crisis, homelessness, they want billions spent for Democrat political campaign and turn NYC into New Moscow of 1935 wild communist dream, not realising because WW2 started along canceling Sovietization of Europe in June 22, 1941… false or wrong. BTW Google it, New Moscow 1935 dream… Then maybe you stop supporting democrats…

  20. Related bringing the A game as always.
    This must happen.

  21. This will never be built as is. Giant podia eating up air and light, dumb Logan’s Run towers designed like blocks and tubes for what, for why? No Lender will commit to that at current rates. The Wynn trademark kind of stinks, no?

  22. Would love for any negotiation to push up the number of residential units further!

  23. Glad to know New York City needs a gambling resort and more office space to resuscitate Related’s moribund super-neighborhood. Where’s the ferris wheel? The west side of Hudson Yards should be primarily residential. Walk around there and north: this area is humanly dead and there are still vacant lots to build on. It would be nice to make this area more inviting to real New Yorkers.

  24. Finally, a design for the 21st century. Nice modern aesthetics, although the Wynn building has some design but also has that straight, albeit curvy, up and down look. As far as a casino. I see no need for it. Can you imagine how crowded it would be with a casino?

  25. Cheesemaster200 | March 14, 2024 at 9:12 pm | Reply

    The casino will be built within two years. The rest may get built within two decades.

    Any of these extravagant “master plan” proposals should be contingent on revoking the gaming license if they don’t build what they promise to build within a reasonable time frame.

  26. Pessimism be damned, build it!

  27. I’ve waited all day to say this:


    This looks “cool” but I don’t think it’s the right project for the western yard or the right site for a casino. Not really in love with any aspect of this though I do like the look of the base and the straddle legs of the residential tower. I really would rather not see a Wynn resorts sign on the Midtown skyline.

  28. Jimbo Jones 3rd 2.0 | March 14, 2024 at 10:41 pm | Reply

    School recess right next to the casino whinos, degenerates, puking 20 somethings and hookers… great planning.

  29. There is no mention anywhere of enhancements to public transportation. That should be of primary importance to integrate this area into the urban fabric of Midtown. The #7 train station is woefully inadequate. A way should be found to extend the L train up from its present terminus, a path station and city buses. … and then really expand the residential component. Then I say YIMBY.

  30. The last picture really feels like the old WTC.

  31. Reopen The Vessel.

  32. Great buildings, Dubai. Oh wait, this is New York? Fooled me.

  33. David : Sent From Heaven. | March 16, 2024 at 12:43 am | Reply

    Concentrate on doing your part developers! The surrounding towers are all tall, it’s not possible to build three floors: Thanks to Michael Young.

  34. How about they deliver on all the promised housing instead?

  35. Jack Arkitekt | March 17, 2024 at 2:29 pm | Reply

    I say that’s crazy, super dummy, what you asked, I say do it…
    Turned New York City into New Moscow 1935 wild general plan, never realised to accomplish because of Hitler’s attack Soviet Union in 1941… This will be turn as New Moscow on Hudson of 2024… New Hudson City along poverty lines surrounded it!!! Same like in Russia, New Moscow 1935 unrealized skyscrapers in country of 20 million Gulag population and 20 million killed and hungry peasants dreamed to be center of Europe, the communist one of course… We in New York city now permanently loosing as Capital of Financial World, Capital of Real Estate building investment, even the Capital of Capitalism, as we have 100% Marxist Leftist Communist in the City and in the State, as mayor and governor!!! The “1935 New Moscow plan” was never come as fruition, Hitler’s tanks rolling down unstoppable to outskirts of Evil Empire cancel it completely, but Roosevelt decided to help Soviet from collapsing… Now who save us, who save the United States, but we want to built New Moscow 1935 on Hudson in 2024… With Open Borders for gangmembers and communist supporters from the globe… Thank You Biden, Thank you Governor Hochul, Thank you Mayor Adams, from all US Citizens, you will see result in few month!!!

  36. Podium takes up way too much of the site footprint. Thought there was supposed to be green space?

  37. They should of plan to connect the two zones with a park and cover the freeway in that section there and make it pedestrian friendly. Also wonder if they is going to be any sun coming to that Equinox outdoor pool. Otherwise like the design of the towers. Finally something more interesting.

  38. Looks good and would definitely be the best location given the relative less traffic and proximity to penn station and the javits center. This mainly opposed to the location for a casino near the UN on the east river.

  39. What will happen to the vlews from 15 and 30 Hudson Yards? Many who bought in those buildings will lose significant property values. How long would the classy Equinox Hotel be ably to survive adjacent to a giant Wynn resort with casino? Half of the existing 35 Hudson Yards building is the Equinox. It would be sold off to a considerably lessor Hotel chain. I vote a solid NO on the casino and won’t purchase in Hudson Yards .

  40. Love it honestly

    Coruscant buildings.

  41. Love it. Just gotta knock down Stark Tower 30 Hudson and maybe Hudson Yards can be saved 😂

  42. This is the best casino proposal for new york i hope wynn gets the license so beautifull

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