3190 Riverdale Avenue

Five-Story, 13-Unit Mixed-Use Building Planned at 3190 Riverdale Avenue, Kingsbridge

Mohammad Badaly, head of Mount Vernon-based Badaly Architects, has filed applications for a five-story, 13-unit mixed-use building at 3190 Riverdale Avenue, in Kingsbridge, five blocks from the 1 train’s stop at 231st Street. The building will measure 19,628 square feet in total, and will feature 4,657 square feet of heath care facilities on two below-grade levels. Residential units above will measure 1,150 square feet apiece, and the existing two-story house passed pre-demolition inspection this past July.

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350 East 86th Street

Extell To Expand Assemblage With 350 East 86th Street Purchase, Upper East Side

Extell Development is in contract to purchase the single-story grocery store at 350 East 86th Street, on the Upper East Side, for $100 million, Crain’s reports. The developer also owns neighboring sites, and can build a 20-story, 230,000 square-foot condominium building, with 200 units and retail space. The acquisition is expected to close next year, also when Gristedes’ lease expires. Extell’s plans have yet to be disclosed, and assemblage could be expanded with further acquisitions.

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Landmarks Wants Reduced Scale On Park Slope Pavilion Theater Project

The concept of retaining Park Slope’s Pavilion cinema in a new, smaller form while converting the rest of the building and demolishing the neighboring one-story building for apartments was welcomed by the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday. However, the current proposal could not pass muster. Put simply, it was seen as out of scale by many of the commissioners. The sentiment was shared by the public.

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