JPMorgan’s Supertall 270 Park Avenue Gets Revised Height of 1,322 Feet As Permits Officially Pulled, in Midtown East

270 Park Avenue without & with action270 Park Avenue without & with action, image from City Planning

The first official DOB applications have been filed for JPMorgan’s new 57-story supertall office tower at 270 Park Avenue in Midtown East, Manhattan. YIMBY last reported on the 270 Park Avenue site when developer JPMorgan Chase filed a text amendment with City Planning for a tower designed by Foster + Partners Architects. Located between East 47th Street and East 48th Street, the lot is five blocks north of Grand Central Station, serviced by Metro North, as well as 4, 5, 6, 7, and S trains.

270 Park Avenue

270 Park Avenue, image by Manhattan Models/Paul Vitek

The proposed 1,322-foot-tall development will yield 2,439,635 square feet, with 1,871,767 square feet designated for office space. The steel-based structure will also have two sub-cellar levels, a cellar and seven enclosed parking spaces.

This proposal is noticeably shorter than the original diagrams that called for a 1,566-foot, eight-inch height, which would have made it the tallest tower in the city by roof height. It’s also well below the 1,400-foot height that JPMorgan projected in its plan with the zoning text amendment late last year. In May, the New York City Council approved JPMorgan’s new headquarters as the first site to utilize the City’s East Midtown Rezoning, which included a $42 million contribution to the public realm improvement fund following an air rights purchase from Grand Central Terminal in 2018.

270 Park Avenue public space with action

270 Park Avenue public space with action, image from City Planning

Nickolas Zigomanis of Adamson Associates is listed as the architect of record, however, Foster + Partners is still likely the project architect.

Demolition permits were filed in January of this year, and work has already begun on dismantling the existing building. Construction of the new tower is expected to begin in January 2021, but no completion date has been announced.

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14 Comments on "JPMorgan’s Supertall 270 Park Avenue Gets Revised Height of 1,322 Feet As Permits Officially Pulled, in Midtown East"

  1. ? might as well leave the old structure up since it’s not going to be 1,500’+.

    • Jack Liberman | June 28, 2019 at 11:03 am | Reply

      1,322′ means it wouldn’t exceed height of One Vanderbilt (1401′). For skyline view 1,322′ doesn’t mean too much impact if it will be 1,500′. The most midtown skyline plato is about 600-800 feet. Only little more than dozen towers will exceed it.

  2. David in Bushwick | June 28, 2019 at 10:31 am | Reply

    Dismantling a mid-century skyscraper that was recently renovated and made much more energy efficient – the greenest building is the one already standing. This is yet another example of the obscene greed controlling our culture and bringing us all to disaster.

    • Jack Liberman | June 28, 2019 at 10:55 am | Reply

      Chase Bank needs modern amenities, bigger spaces, taller floors, this what old building unfortunately doesn’t offer, yes it is too cruel to dismantle this building for building just taller building. But this periodically happened in NYC, example Singer Building, or Waldorf Astoria what gave the way to Empire State Building. Deutsche Bank Building in WTC site what gave the way WTC tower #4. Well, it’s better to built this tower in Hudson Yards area or in place of WTC #2 proposed tower, but these tower under construction there already have tenants, and no place left to put additional tower of such size neither in HY or WTC, neither in LIC or Brooklyn, neither in NJ, remember Chase HQ is so big and doesn’t want to share space with other tenants.

    • A concerened american | June 28, 2019 at 12:25 pm | Reply

      could not have said it better. Greed not acknowledging that such a tall building has many risks such as getting out of the building during an emergency. a death trap and stupidity. It is shameful how egos get in the way os sensibility and responsibility. the greed goes all the way to the top of the company.

      • Taller buildings are safer than shorter ones…this is an engineering fact of nature because the taller buildings could only stand up in the first place if they were built stronger,the physics of wind resistance dictate this.Had the WTC Towers been half the height they would have been rubble in a minute and a half rather than an hour and a half and thousands more would have died.

  3. While it may be disappointing for some to see the new tower coming in a bit shorter than expected, it will still be more than 500 feet taller than the original. And the original is lofty enough that it will supposedly be the tallest building intentionally (legally) demolished. The old tower is really quite attractive, and I hope for the same with its replacement.

  4. Kind of a boner killer. Though I suppose it will still be an impressive erection.

  5. Bob Whitworth | June 29, 2019 at 11:38 am | Reply

    Would love to see a taller and bigger version of the existing tower. Same design overall with keen attention to detail to make a stunner.

  6. I wonder why they shrank back…still,a rather impressive tower and I hope it will stand longer than the current one has (which itself outlasted,for example,the three former Madison Square Gardens).

  7. Why the haircut? It will now be just slightly higher (by roof height) than its (soon-to-be new) neighbor One Vanderbilt. Would’ve instead liked to see the height INCREASED to 1,600 – or more (would like 1,850).

    • I would have liked to see it taller too,though going over 1,566 would have required further zoning variance approvals.The “Nordstrom” Tower has kept varying its height figure at much later stages than this project has reached,so there may still be hope for something taller than 1,322.

  8. To tear down such a tower in Midtown to build higher ?? Why not strip it and add on. Vanity and tax payer ripoff by the banks. AWESOME !

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