Central Park Tower aka 217 West 57th Street Set for 2021 Completion in Midtown, Manhattan

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Taking the top spot in our construction countdown for the third year is the Central Park Tower, the tallest building by roof height in the Western Hemisphere and the tallest residential skyscraper in the world. Designed by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill and developed by Extell, the 1,550-foot supertall stands nearly complete at 217 West 57th Street on Billionaires’ Row in Midtown. Developers are expecting a $4 billion sellout for its 179 residences, which are being marketed by Corcoran Sunshine.

Recent photos show the reflective glass curtain wall substantially finished, with only some minor work remaining around the crown and on the northern elevation, where the exterior hoist stands attached. The construction crane has been fully disassembled since our last update in mid-September, and it will only be a matter of time until the hoist follows suit.

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower (center). Photo by Michael Young

The multi-story Nordstrom flagship at West 57th Street and Broadway has been open to the public while construction continues above. The tall, white sidewalk scaffolding below the store’s wavy floor-to-ceiling glass façade remains standing and bears the retail tenant’s name in bold capital letters. Next door, metal scaffolding still temporarily covers the southern elevation of the 128-year-old Art Students League Building, which sits beneath Central Park Tower’s cantilever. This will likely remain until work on the tower is fully complete.

The residential entrance is found on West 58th Street by the base of the exterior hoist. Besides the void in the curtain wall that the elevator’s disassembly will leave, the only remaining section of glass to be installed is on the eastern elevation of the crown, above the three-story penthouse that spans floors 129 to 131. A final price tag for this lofty home has yet to be disclosed.

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Perhaps the most prominent outstanding step toward the exterior’s completion is the removal of the remaining protective blue film from the windows and façade. Some of this has been peeled away over the past several months, though large sections still remain, concealing the skyscraper’s final appearance.

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

Central Park Tower. Photo by Michael Young

YIMBY expects Central Park Tower’s long-awaited completion to occur sometime in 2021.

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35 Comments on "Central Park Tower aka 217 West 57th Street Set for 2021 Completion in Midtown, Manhattan"

  1. David in Bushwick | December 31, 2020 at 8:39 am | Reply

    Its height is the most interesting thing about the entire project.

  2. Hight is the only interesting thing about this big ugly dog. If it were half the hight and on 6th Ave, you’d drive by it and never notice. Not a worthy crown for such an ambitious project.

  3. It will be interesting to see how many units some of these apartments are chopped up into once the Billionaires Row bubble pops.

  4. On the southern side where the film has already been removed, when the sun hits it, you can still see a remaining residue./film. The windows where the film has been removed are still not as “clean” as the windows that were installed without the film. Oh and this is a really ugly building.

    • BB, are you trying to tell us that when the protective blue film that covered these windows for years was finally removed, it left some residue..
      Who would have guessed?

  5. Expecting 4 billion would be happy with 3 billion . Lol!

  6. The Nordstrom in its base is the only interesting thing about this building, other than its spagettified height and that exhibitionist overhang. It looks like two different architects did it and weren’t allowed to see each other’s design.

  7. I know a ton of people hate this building, and admittedly it isn’t that interesting, but I would love to live on a really high floor here. The views are going to be absolutely spectacular which is what the building is all about

  8. I really don’t understand all the critism about Central Park Tower. I think it looks very handsome, and with its very satifactual height, it has positively redefined the New York City skyline for decades to come. And with that, I think we should stop criticizing Billionaire’s Row for that reason. We also have 111 West 57th Street and 220 Central Park South, which have made their mark as the most beautiful modern New York City skyscrapers. So, let’s stop our critism over Central Park Tower and Billionaire’s Row, for they’ve been some of the greatest feats of modern skyscraper development and architecture. ☺

    • Agreed! Give them time. I recall that exactly 50 years ago so many complained the WTC twin towers were “ugly” and “ruined the NYC skyline”. A few even called for the newly-finished towers to be razed! Yes, they did say these things. Now, I’ll bet everyone of these people wishes those twin towers were still gracing the skyline!

    • Hey Thomas, l went and checked with the ‘Urban Dictionary’ and ‘Satisfactual’ is indeed an accepted word!..just want to tell you to keep up your positivity, we can all use more of it, I know I can!..And Happy New Year to everyone out there!

  9. Imagine waking up in the morning on the 131st floor and seeing
    “HEAVEN” up close? ?

  10. After nearly half a century we finally have a building with a higher roof height than the Sears/Willis Tower. Too bad it’s so unattractive. The decision to stylistically differentiate the cantilevered section from the remainder of the building is the obvious problem – particularly inexplicable as the cantilever itself is only obvious in very close proximity.

  11. At what price point is the 3 story penthouse projected?

  12. Built for Russian oligarchs who never assimilate into the “I ? New York” vibe!

  13. The same people whining about the destruction of the Union Carbide building (as bland as a building could possibly be), are whining about the bland design of Central Park Tower? News flash, neither are/were that interesting, but at least this skyscraper elevates NYC’s skyline to new heights. Hopefully the lighting features will help it be more interesting at night than it is during the day.

  14. Although I have a love-hate with ‘Billionaire’s Row’ the elephant in the room is the disappearance of the world that made such trophy properties feasible. E.g. these edifices were built for non-NYers who are also purchasing access to an unequaled array of decimated cultural activities from restaurants to museums to shopping to the performing arts.

    • You’re thinking the culture won’t come back? Where will it culture go? It isn’t just New York that’s had its cultural community severely impacted – other world-class cities have also been hurt, like London and Paris. Everywhere. I do think it will take a while before it’s back in strength, though. When people lose their fear of being among a crowd of people. The way they once NEVER feared. Ever. I, for one, cannot wait for that time!

  15. As always, Michael Young’s photographs are stunning.

    I particularly like the view looking north on Broadway that makes 220 Central Park South look like a poor relation.

  16. If it is known that the central park tower is not the marvel in exterior design but something that stands out is its enormous height and what it contributes to the new york skyline and we hope that new towers will come and hopefully they will be megatall that if they are missing in the city

  17. I find this to be a very fine building, but to those naysayers you should see this skyscraper in person, not on some computer screen – your opinions might just change. Also, I am eager to see this skyscraper completed AND have its summit lighted; this should be a nighttime landmark too. And finally I live in Chicago and Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill practice here, in the Loop. We should cheer our home-town boys! (I’ve been in their offices and they make terrific models!)

  18. I like everything except the huge overhang, which will always make it look unstable.

  19. It’s tall & not bad. Light up the crown & enjoy what Manhattan is all about.

  20. Some say meh, I say guh

  21. What is it about the uber-rich that makes them obsessively think that phallic building heights somehow convey upon them a superiority over the fellow humans that they are trying to escape from far below?  A crude yet wise saying fittingly applies: They don’t think that their s**t stinks. But they, along with our misplaced social priorities, rigged political systems, and grossly inequitable economic rewards, all stink to high heaven. They can arrogantly stack their 21st century caves one upon the other, higher and higher and higher. But tell me: have these modern day cave dwellers progressed in truly meaningful ways, as humans, as communities — have they & their social structures progressed beyond their ancient tribal cave dwelling ancestors and the laws of the jungle? The plumbing & wiring of our multi-story caves has certainly improved, but far far less than the plumbing & wiring of our all-too-human hearts.

    • Huh? This smacks of jealousy. I have no problem with this building whatsoever. Nor the people who buy these pricey units. I’d like to see more of these supertalls in NYC. Even though I myself cannot afford them.

  22. Wasn’t there supposed to be a hotel with this project?

  23. The building is awesome and I hope to see one even taller in new York and nashville soon

  24. If you bought $ 100,000 in Bitcoin ten years ago you would be a billionaire. In ten years if you buy at current prices one of these apartments you will lose 20 million . Why buy when everything in the city cones with three free months of rent.

  25. From Sheep Meadow the new buildings composite view is like a a futuristic skyline.
    One wonders what is the engineering dampering technology to stabilize the structure against windage not to mention (heaven forbid) structural integrity of external impact.

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