141 North 6th Street Progresses in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Photo by Michael Young

Construction is progressing on 141 North 6th Street, a five-story mixed-use building in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The structure will yield 12 residential units, a cellar level, and 3,827 square feet of ground-floor retail space with 40 feet of frontage and 20-foot ceiling heights. North 6th 141 LLC is the owner, Olmstead Real Estate is in change of retail leasing, and G. Lebedowitz Corp. is the general contractor for the property, which is located on an interior lot between Bedford Avenue and Berry Street.

Recent photographs show the steel-framed superstructure topped out with façade installation taking shape behind scaffolding and construction netting. The dark gray brick envelope is being installed over metal paneling around the grid of windows, which have yet to be hung. The lot line walls are framed with CMU blocks and the western elevation is largely blank, with only one window opening at the western corner of the fourth level. Two setbacks on the upper stories will likely provide space for terraces.

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

The nearest subway from the property is the L train at the Bedford Avenue station, providing one-stop access to Manhattan. Also nearby is the G train at the Metropolitan Avenue station.

A revised completion date has yet to be announced, though YIMBY anticipates work will finish sometime next year. No finalized rendering, nor mention of an architect and developer, was publicly disclosed.

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19 Comments on "141 North 6th Street Progresses in Williamsburg, Brooklyn"

  1. nothing but a steal frame and cheap cinder blocks
    No cement structure or foundation at all
    Absolute garbage

    • You clearly have zero interest in educating yourself.

      • Tell me about it NFA. Waiting for his following set of cards to throw at us:
        – sounds Iike you need to get laid
        – bullsh*t & PIECE OF CRAP bad mouthing
        – I’ll bet you’ll be a NIMBY if they build this next to your place

        Where is your sass and lack of factual proof coming from guesser? It’s insulting how you make such comments without consequence

        • WTF does every YIMBY get so worked up over a freaking website comment section?
          You YIMBYS need to get over yourselves and spend your time on better things,
          How about volunteering for community service , the local soup kitchen or cleaning up the parks

      • NFA
        WTF does every YIMBY get so worked up over a freaking website comment section?
        You YIMBYS need to get over yourselves and spend your time on better things,
        How about volunteering for community service , the local soup kitchen or cleaning up the parks

    • Guesser, unless you have absolute proof that there is no cement foundation in this building, and every other building you’ve wrongfully accused of lacking, please keep your mouth shut, dig yourself a hole, and keep your fake news to yourself. You’re nothing more than an insipid, pesky unintelligent crybaby with nothing to show. Hope you choke on a candy corn and drop dead tonight

      • John Farkas,
        This is a freaking comment section of a website.
        Why do you YIMBYS get so worked up?
        Find outlets to spend your time in better ways.
        Go volunteer your time for a worthy cause instead of spending your time commenting about me

      • John Farkas
        “Hope you choke on a candy corn and drop dead tonight”
        The looney bin is calling on line 8 for you

      • John Farkas,
        “every other building you’ve wrongfully accused of lacking”
        I didn’t realize that a physical building can be harmed by my insignificant comments.

        You’re nothing more than an insipid, pesky unintelligent crybaby with nothing to show. Hope you choke on a candy corn and drop dead tonight”
        You should find a better outlet for your anger, than a comment section of a website.
        I suggest drugs to calm your nerves.

        • I suggest YOU take drugs to calm your nerves Guesser and volunteer your time for a worthy cause instead of bashing random YIMBYs and NIMBYs alike. It’s mind-boggling to see how it’s so hard for you to be respectful to others and not say false and overly exaggerated statements like any sane person.

          Seems like you have the anger issue and like to play the victim when someone calls you out on your rampant behavior here.

    • Guesser you sound like someone bored with your life who finds excitement trolling and riling people up, both YIMBYs and NIMBYs as it’s been clear in the past few days and the past several years. As sad as that is, why not do something more productive?

      As an avid YIMBY reader, I’m only commenting to condemn your spread of harmful misinformation and warn others about your distasteful commentary, eye-rolling comeback attempts, and incompetence to create a meaningful conversation. That’s still something you’ve never managed to garner, and yet you tell people to do exactly that when someone points out your immaturity.

      • Evan,
        This is a freaking comment section of a website.
        Why do you YIMBYS get so worked up?
        Find outlets to spend your time in better ways.
        Go volunteer your time for a worthy cause instead of spending your time commenting about me

      • HARMFUL MISINFORMATION?! man oh man
        Who the fk is being harmed by my insignificant comments on a comment section of a website?
        There are so many more important things you YIMBYS could be doing with your excess time than comment on my comments.
        Wow is all I can say

  2. Considering it is being constructed with cinderblocks, it looks like something from a country where these kind of buildings usually collapse after heavy rains, or an earthquake?! 🤔🤣


  3. Does the cat have a job?

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