Permits Filed for 1723 Boston Road in Crotona Park East, The Bronx

1723 Boston Road in Crotona Park East, The Bronx via Google Maps

Permits have been filed to expand a two-story structure into an eight-story mixed-use building at 1723 Boston Road in Crotona Park East, The Bronx. Located between Crotona Park East and East 173rd Street, the lot is steps from the 174th Street subway station, served by the 2 and 5 trains. Shimon Kleinman is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 85-foot-tall development will yield 99,425 square feet, with 78,327 square feet designated for residential space and 21,097 square feet for commercial space. The building will have 98 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 799 square feet. The masonry-based structure will also have a cellar and 50 enclosed parking spaces.

Kao Hwa Lee Architects is listed as the architect of record.

Full demolition permits will likely not be needed as the project calls for a vertical and horizontal expansion. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

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1 Comment on "Permits Filed for 1723 Boston Road in Crotona Park East, The Bronx"

  1. Need more of this at commercial strips across the city.

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