207 Van Vorst Street

15-Story, 255-Unit Mixed-Use Building Rises To Sixth Floor At 207 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City

Construction is now six stories above street level on the first of two 15-story, mixed-use buildings under development at 207 Van Vorst Street, in Jersey City’s Paulus Hook section. Work, presumably excavation, has also begun on the second building. Fields Development Group is the developer and Marchetto Higgins Stieve Architects is behind the design.

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30-67 31st Street

Six-Story, 10-Unit Mixed-Use Building Filed At 30-67 31st Street, Astoria

The Hellenic Orthodox Community of Astoria has filed applications for a six-story, 10-unit mixed-use building at 30-67 31st Street, in the heart of Astoria. The project will measure 11,232 square feet. It will include 3,223 square feet of community facility space, which will likely be used by the organization as an educational facility. The residential units above are expected to average 801 square feet apiece, indicative of rental apartments. Anastasios Giannopoulos’s Astoria-based architecture firm is the architect of record. The 34-foot-wide, 2,668-square-foot plot is vacant. The 30th Avenue stop on the N and Q trains is a block to the north.

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92-61 165th Street

14-Story, 89-Unit Mixed-Use Project Tops Out At 92-61 165th Street, Jamaica

Construction has quietly topped out on the 14-story, 89-unit mixed-use affordable housing building under development at 92-61 165th Street, located on the corner of Archer Avenue in downtown Jamaica. A rendering of the project has also been spotted on the construction fence. The latest building permits indicate the structure measures 93,041 square feet and rises 132 feet above street level to its roof.

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