Affordable Housing Units Still Available at 312 97th Street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

312 97th Street. All images courtesy of NYC Housing Connect312 97th Street. All images courtesy of NYC Housing Connect

The affordable housing lottery has launched for 312 97th Street, a six-story mixed-use building in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Designed by Rybak Architects, the structure yields 15 residences. Available on NYC Housing Connect are five units for residents at 130 percent of the area median income (AMI), ranging in eligible income from $73,715 to $167,570.

Units include name-brand appliances and finishes, dishwasher in unit, energy-efficient appliances, and intercom devices. Residents will have access to a recreation room. The building will also have 12,800 square feet of ground-floor retail and 5,300 square feet allocated to a ground-floor medical facility.

312 97th Street

312 97th Street

312 97th Street

312 97th Street

At 130 percent of the AMI, there two one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $2,150 for incomes ranging from $73,715 to $139,620 and three two-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $2,650 for incomes ranging from $90,858 to $167,570.

Prospective renters must meet income and household size requirements to apply for these apartments. Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than August 19, 2021.

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23 Comments on "Affordable Housing Units Still Available at 312 97th Street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn"

  1. Affordable is not 130% of the median area income. This is a crime against taxpayers.

  2. If you’re making that minimum Amt of $73K you are not poor & do not need affordable housing.
    This is not affordable by any standard!!!!
    There are Alot of people who have busted their whole lives working hard & are unable to live in an affordable Apartment, it’s really sad that real New Yorkers can’t get an Affordable Apt.Seriously not affordable. Pray that you never end up disabled.

  3. Its affordable?? Oh yeah they are keeping the black and brown people out!!

  4. Shante Bailey | July 24, 2021 at 10:51 pm | Reply

    So not affordable

  5. What’s wrong with this picture?? monthly rent of $2,150 for incomes ranging from $73,715 to $139,620 a monthly rent of $2,650 for incomes ranging from $90,858 to $167,570.
    Where’s the quality of Life. One will be working just to pay rent

  6. Affordable housing, Yeah okay! Definitely a joke!!!

  7. Segundo Pascual | July 25, 2021 at 7:23 am | Reply

    I,m looking for one bedroom apt.

  8. This is not affordable housing, maybe for someone with money but for the middle class it is not so stop calling it affordable when it isn’t!!!

  9. Affordable for who ?! | July 25, 2021 at 7:31 am | Reply

    130 or the AMI is affordable?

    The buildings went up non union also I wouldn’t trust any of them.

    Same with the structure on 100th and 3rd.

    They’re building these off the backs of non-union labor and not paying their workers livable wager and charging astronomical amounts of money for the rent.

    It’s pure insanity.

  10. Thomas Hilton | July 25, 2021 at 2:05 pm | Reply

    THAT is “affordable”?? $2,150 a month for a one bedroom??? LOL GTFOH

  11. Dorothy Venturini | July 25, 2021 at 2:11 pm | Reply

    I waisted my time again looking
    At ads for affordable apts. It’s affordable for people with money and they in turn would like a
    Better looking Apt.

  12. Ramonita / from Brooklyn | July 25, 2021 at 3:33 pm | Reply

    Not affordable $$$$$ for people with low income , people that needs affordable housing…not a good deal. Only for rich people. No help for poor low income…☹️

  13. Disgraceful. $2150 for a one bedroom IS NOT AFFORDABLE HOUSING. These People should at the very least be sent to prison. I won’t say what I really think should happen to them. I remember when they originally claimed Pippens would be put back on the ground floor of that building. Buildings like this are the problem with NYC. There is no more space for middle class, working poor etc etc in this city and now they are moving it to Bay Ridge. We should all be out there protesting this and forcing them to actually put REAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS IN THAT ABOMINATION OF A BUILDING. STAYING SILENT IS ENABLING.

  14. Ellen Montana | July 25, 2021 at 4:02 pm | Reply

    How do we apply ?

  15. I guess that leaves me out to poor to live in a decent apartment,working to hard and still not earning enough to live in an affordable apartment. Affordable housing for the wealthy.

  16. jacqueline Roman | July 25, 2021 at 5:47 pm | Reply

    If I made 90,000 or more I would have a apartments already. But because my income is what I think most people make,35 to 45 a yr. I’m still looking and having a hard time
    The lady person told me he doesn’t rent to anyone that makes under 60a yr and tht was for a studio apartment at 1400 A month. Wth? Why call it low affordable housing if that’s the income guidelines. Not many people are making money because Covid so that’s so unfair and unrealistic. That why homelessness had gotten out of hand, rents and cost of living….

  17. This needs to stop, everyone will soon end up homeless, and all u will have is empty building

  18. I’ve seen the max income in the $180,000+ area. Most of these apartments cost more than the one I need to leave, and as a disabled senior, those buildings are few and far between. Dropping seniors into higher crime neighborhoods, they might as well attach a bull’s-eye ? on your 65+yo back!

    • U got that right. God forbid u have disabilities & your income is only $39K. They look at you like this is not NYCHA, & I’m not dark skinned, so it’s white hard working European ppl who immigrated to this Country for a better life.
      Pray u don’t need a surgery like me & have to schlep up 5flights of stairs. Painfully & in living torture.

  19. Roberta A Brown | July 25, 2021 at 9:05 pm | Reply

    The question is what is affordable?? The rental price is considered for blue-collar and rich and famous!!!

  20. Affordable for who??? This is not affordable housing!

  21. Rickeya L Rogers | July 25, 2021 at 10:58 pm | Reply

    None of the new apartments in charlotte are affordable. Someone should google what affordable mean.

  22. Affordable? By who’s standards?

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