Demolitions Approved For 567 And 569 Courtlandt Avenue In Melrose, The Bronx

567 and 569 Courtlandt Avenue, via Google Maps567 and 569 Courtlandt Avenue, via Google Maps

Permits have been issued for the demolition of two buildings at 567 and 569 Courtlandt Avenue in Melrose, The Bronx. The adjacent lots are located between East 149th Street and East 150th Street. NY Psychotherapy is listed as the owner behind the applications.

Both 567 Courtlandt Avenue and 569 Courtlandt Avenue stand one story and 15 feet tall. The demolition on its lot will clear 3,525 square feet of space for 567 Courtlandt Avenue.

Savita Vinas of PR is listed as the applicant of record for both projects. The properties are located steps from the Third Avenue-149th Street subway station, which is serviced by the 2 and 5 trains.

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