Park Slope

541 Fourth Avenue

12-Story, 125-Unit Mixed-Use Building Coming To 541 Fourth Avenue, Park Slope

Aaron Karpen and Anshel Friedman have filed applications for a 12-story, 125-unit mixed-use building at 541 Fourth Avenue, in southern Park Slope, two blocks north of the R train’s stop at Prospect Avenue. The building will measure a total 103,602 square feet, which includes 10,830 square feet of commercial-retail on the ground floor. Beginning on the second floor, the rental units will average 742 square feet apiece. Karl Fischer is designing. Eight three-story townhouses spanning 541-555 4th Avenue will have to be demolished, and construction is slated to begin this December, per The Real Deal.

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243 4th Avenue, image via Google Maps

Permits Filed: 243 4th Avenue, Park Slope

An 11-story condo building may replace another one of Fourth Avenue’s auto shops. New building applications were filed this morning to erect a 118-foot-tall residential development at 243 4th Avenue, between President and Carroll Streets and just a block south of the R train stop at Union Street.

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Landmarks Wants Reduced Scale On Park Slope Pavilion Theater Project

The concept of retaining Park Slope’s Pavilion cinema in a new, smaller form while converting the rest of the building and demolishing the neighboring one-story building for apartments was welcomed by the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday. However, the current proposal could not pass muster. Put simply, it was seen as out of scale by many of the commissioners. The sentiment was shared by the public.

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140 15th Street

11-Story, 30-Unit Mixed-Use Building Planned At 140 15th Street, South Slope

In December, an 11-story, 30-unit mixed-use building was filed at 140 15th Street, in South Slope, but was lost in the flood of other projects being filed before the year’s end. Then YIMBY revealed renderings of the project in May. Filings have not been approved yet by the DOB, but Boaz Gilad, the developer, is still actively filing for permits. The 36,747 square-foot building will feature 4,948 square feet on the ground floor for two retail units, and the residential units above will average 1,062 square feet. Feingold & Gregory Architects is the applicant of record. Demolition permits were filed in 2014 to remove two three-story townhouses and a retail building.

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