50 Hudson Yards

Related To Complete Property Assemblage At 50 Hudson Yards Site, Midtown West

Since December 2013, YIMBY has revealed three different conceptual renderings of 50 Hudson Yards, Related Companies’ planned commercial (and residential?) development project between 10th Avenue and Hudson Boulevard, and West 33rd and 34th Street, in Midtown West. Today, Related has reached a deal with McDonalds to acquire the last property at the development site, according to Crain’s. McDonald’s plans to close before the end of the year, and demolition will subsequently commence on the existing properties. A 3.3 million square foot mixed-use building could be built, though a final design has not yet been revealed.

230 Beach 109th Street

Two-Story, Three-Unit Residential Building Coming To 230 Beach 109th Street, Seaside

Property owner Samuel Delaney has filed applications for a two-story, three-unit residential building at 230 Beach 109th Street, in Seaside, Queens, three blocks from the Beach 105th Street stop on the A and S trains. The building will total 2,640 square feet, which means units will average 880 square feet apiece. Great Neck-based Meltzer/Costa & Associates is the architect of record. The project is being built under the post-Sandy Build It Back program, and an existing two-story building must first be demolished.

30-35 College Point Boulevard

Four-Story Automotive Facility Planned At 30-35 College Point Boulevard, College Point

Nassau County-based Feinstein CP Realty has filed applications for a four-story, 81,532 square-foot automotive commercial building at 30-35 College Point Boulevard, in southern College Point. The building will handle automobile sales, repairs, and other services, and will also hold storage space and associated offices. The nearly 120,000 square-foot lot will include 149 parking spaces, and Maryland-based Penny Design Group is the applicant of record.

275 West 140th Street

Eight-Story, 54-Unit Mixed-Use Project Rises At 275 West 140th Street, Harlem

In November of 2014, YIMBY revealed renderings of Radson Development’s eight-story, 54-unit mixed-use building planned at 275 West 140th Street, in northern Harlem, and now the building is finally rising above street level, per Harlem+Bespoke. Dubbed Strivers Plaza, the building will include an 8,000 square-foot supermarket on the ground floor, as well as a 500 square-foot community facility space. Aufgang Architects is designing, and completion can likely be expected closer to 2017.