Pilings and Excavation Underway at 29 Jay Street in DUMBO, Brooklyn

Rendering of 167 Plymouth Street. Courtesy of Visualhouse/Marvel ArchitectsRendering of 167 Plymouth Street. Courtesy of Visualhouse/Marvel Architects

Excavation and piling work is underway at 29 Jay Street, the site of an 11-story commercial building in the DUMBO Historic District of Brooklyn. Designed by Marvel Architects and developed by Jay Street Office LLC, the 150-foot-tall building will yield office space at the corner of Jay and Plymouth Streets. Sciame Construction LLC is the general contractor for the project.

Recent photos show numerous construction machines at work across the site, which was recently cleared of a two-story warehouse after approvals were granted by the Landmarks Preservation Commission.

29 Jay Street. Photo by Michael Young

29 Jay Street. Photo by Michael Young

29 Jay Street. Photo by Michael Young

29 Jay Street. Photo by Michael Young

It was last reported that 29 Jay Street would be clad in a light-colored envelope made of geometrically angled prefabricated concrete panels. This design was conceptualized by Marvel Architects to convey a more robust appearance of depth and to help the building shed water. The building will also include new window cleaning anchors, nine-foot sliding windows along Plymouth Street, and sloped sills for improved drainage. New York City’s Climate Mobilization Act played a critical part in the sustainable aspect of the structure, resulting in the incorporation of a state-of-the-art cooling tower, water-cooled VRF units and ventilation systems, and a gas-fired boiler. YIMBY also last announced that the floor span of the ground level was increased from 16 feet tall to 17.5 feet tall as a means to achieve additional clearance for the loading dock on the southeastern corner. Glass railings line the rooftop, which should likely be home to a large outdoor space for tenants.

Below is an elevation rendering of the structure showing the full profile looking north along Plymouth Street. The western and southern sides will both be clad in a uniform array of large rectangular windows and panels up to the last floor.

Elevation diagram illustrates proposed sliding windows along Plymouth Street - Marvel Architects

Elevation diagram illustrates proposed sliding windows along Plymouth Street – Marvel Architects

29 Jay Street will be finished in spring 2023, as noted on the construction board.

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