Pickleball and Public Amenity Renovation Planned for Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza In Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn

Rendering of Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosenRendering of Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosen

CityPickle, a New York-based pickleball company, has been selected by New York City Parks for the revitalization of Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn. The 60,000-square-foot area, located beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, consists of three sections: Old Fulton Street Yard, Washington Street Yard, and Ash Alley. CityPickle plans to invest $2 million into the revitalization project, and work is expected to begin in 2025.

Rendering of Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosen

Rendering of Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosen

Rendering of Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosen

Rendering of Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosen

CityPickle will transform the plaza by installing pickleball courts for open play and lessons. In addition to the courts, the company will also provide various public amenities for non-players, including public art installations, a dog run, food trucks, and games including chess and ping pong. In addition, plans include updated walkways, seating, and new bike racks.

Plans for Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosen

Plans for Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza revitalization, via BerlinRosen

The Brooklyn pickleball courts will be available seasonally from March to November, while the other amenities will be accessible year-round. Pending concessionaire approval from the office of Mayor Eric Adams, CityPickle will partner with hospitality groups to offer a variety of food trucks in the park.

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4 Comments on "Pickleball and Public Amenity Renovation Planned for Brooklyn Anchorage Plaza In Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn"

  1. And when the pickleball craze burns out, the courts will have to he made into something else.

  2. Monath, here’s your chance to play pickle ball without buying a condo at The Henry Residences lmfao XD

  3. David : Sent From Heaven. | June 16, 2024 at 5:09 am | Reply

    I was looking comfortably on the land, pending approval from Mayor Eric Adams’ office: Thanks.

  4. It’s not in Brooklyn Heights.

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