Crown Heights

105 Rogers Avenue in Crown Heights

New Residential Building with Self-Parking Garage Revealed at 105 Rogers Avenue in Crown Heights, Brooklyn

New construction permits have been filed for a seven-story residential building at 105 Rogers Avenue in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The site is two blocks away from the Park Place subway station, serviced by the S train and six blocks away from the Franklin Avenue station, serviced by the 2, 3, 4, and 5 lines. Shahram Mobasser of Bellingham Estates 26 is listed as the owner on the applications, and today YIMBY also has a first look at renderings, with design by Z Architecture.

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11-Story Mixed Use Building Revealed at 1010 Pacific Street in Crown Heights, Brooklyn

A new proposal from AVO Construction has revealed an 11-story mixed-use structure that could rise from a two-lot assemblage at 1010 Pacific Street, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The building would contain a mix of affordable and market rate residences, a commercial component, and a non-profit community arts center that would provide arts-based programming to local residents.

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