218 Front Street Nears Completion in Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn

218 Front Street. Designed by S. Wieder Architect

Exterior work is finishing up on 218 Front Street, a seven-story, two-building residential complex in Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn. Designed by S. Wieder Architect and developed and built by Chess Builders, the project will yield 218 rental apartments with 66 affordable housing units, as well as 350 square feet of commercial space and 180 square feet of community space on the ground floor. The property is bound by Front Street to the north and York Street to the south, and was formerly occupied by a one-story industrial warehouse and an open-air lumber yard.

The scaffolding and construction netting has been removed from the building since our last update in November, revealing the completed look of the façade above street level. The building is clad in gray brick surrounding a grid of large square windows from floors two through five, and metal paneling framing a glass curtain wall on the final two levels, which also feature setbacks topped with terraces. Only the first story along Front and York Streets has yet to be finished, standing mostly exposed behind sidewalk sheds, metal fencing, and wooden barriers.

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

The main entrance will span two stories on the northern side, framed by a large rectangular cutout.

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

Photo by Michael Young

The finished product is a significant departure from the renderings in the main photo and below, which depicted a gray stone façade and an irregular window grid with gold-hued frames. The overall massing, however, appears largely unchanged.

218 Front Street. Designed by S, Wieder Architect

A list of residential amenities for 218 Front Street has yet to be revealed. One aspect includes on-site parking, as indicated by the presence of a ground-floor garage door beside the main entrance.

The closest subway from the property is the F train at the York Street station, at the corner of York and Jay Streets.

218 Front Street has an anticipated completion date of December 2024, as noted on site.

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9 Comments on "218 Front Street Nears Completion in Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn"

  1. VE’d to death.

    • It doesn’t look as much value engineered as it does totally redesigned. It looks good. If a silver lining is to be found it’s that the gold and stone may have been quite garish and tacky IRL. This is fine.

  2. David in Bushwick | May 14, 2024 at 10:24 am | Reply

    The original design was definitely better. The finished product desperately needs a splash of color somewhere.

  3. If you go to the corner of front there is a yellow painted compound owned by Monks, formerly Gulf gas station who the owner refused to sell to a local businessman from the community who owned a mechanical shop. Directly opposite the temple facing the river was St. Ann’s church which was torn down over 100 years old archdiocese would not sell to a businessman of color it was sold to ConEdison now a luxury building and lastly 6 of the homes you see picture 218 front were owned by THE BOYS CLUB OF AMERICA after the close of the York stret Boys club were to be donated to the Farragut houses community which never hsppe6

  4. Prado Sellinder | May 14, 2024 at 2:55 pm | Reply

    I prefer the original design but I’m not mad at what went up.

  5. Sad to lose the original design

  6. David : Sent From Heaven. | May 15, 2024 at 4:21 am | Reply

    Lined up at the top it may be a popular photo spot, for the new look that was created: Thanks.

  7. “How can we build this for half the cost?”

  8. A downgrade.

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