
29-28 Newtown Avenue

Five-Story, Nine-Unit Residential Building Planned At 29-28 Newtown Avenue, Astoria

John Kivotidis, head of Kivo Realty, has filed applications for a five-story, nine-unit residential building at 29-28 Newtown Avenue, in central Astoria, two blocks from the N and Q trains’ stop at 30th Avenue. The building will total 6,388 square feet, which means units will average a rental-sized 710 square feet apiece. Sugnam Chang’s Bensonhurst-based Basic Groups Corp. is the applicant of record, and an existing single-story building must first be demolished.

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30-12 21st Street

Six-Story, 14-Unit Mixed-Use Building Filed At 30-12 21st Street, Astoria

Astoria-based Spartan Quality Corp. has filed applications for a six-story, 14-unit mixed-use building at 30-12 21st Street, in western Astoria, six blocks west of the 30th Avenue stop on the N and Q trains. The building will measure 12,035 square feet, and will include 975 square feet and 1,078 square feet of retail and community space, respectively, on the ground floor. Beginning on the second floor, apartments will average a rental-sized 713 square feet apiece. New Jersey-based T.F. Cusanelli & Filletti Architects is the applicant of record, and an existing two-story townhouse must first be demolished.

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2-21 27th Avenue

Seven-Story, 20-Unit Residential Project Planned At 2-21 27th Avenue, Astoria

Eli Nahmais, doing business as Long Island City-based Elmm Realty LLC, has filed applications for a seven-story, 20-unit residential building at 2-21 27th Avenue, in the Hallets Point section of western Astoria. The building will measure 14,460 square feet in total, which translates into average units of 723 square feet, indicative of rentals. Flushing-based Frank Quatela is the architect of record, and demolition commenced earlier this summer to remove a two-story brick house and adjacent garage.

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24-38 Steinway Street

Seven-Story, 18-Unit Mixed-Use Project Filed At 24-38 Steinway Street, Astoria

Flushing-based We Ye, operating as Prince Club LLC, has filed applications for a seven-story, 18-unit mixed-use building at 24-38 Steinway Street, in central Astoria, seven blocks east of the N and Q trains’ stop at Astoria Boulevard. The building will total 17,634 square feet, and will feature 3,163 and 227 square feet of retail and community space, respectively, on the ground floor. Above, units will average 791 square feet each. Flushing-based Chang Hwa Tan is the architect of record, and an existing single-story building must first be demolished.

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