
36-08 28th Avenue

Seven-Story, 22-Unit Residential Building Filed At 36-10 28th Avenue, Astoria

Sal D’amico Construction Inc. has filed applications for a seven-story, 22-unit residential building at 36-08 28th Avenue, in the heart of Astoria, located six blocks from the 30th Avenue stop on the N/Q trains. The new building will encompass 21,451 square feet and its residential units should average 679 square feet apiece, indicative of rental apartments. Amenities will include recreational space on the ground floor and 13 vehicular parking spaces. Great Neck-based Frank Petruso is the architect of record. The 50-foot-wide assemblage at 36-08 – 36-10 28th Avenue is currently occupied by two attached, two-story houses. Demolition permits have not yet been filed.

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25-30 22nd Street

Two Three-Story, Three-Unit Residential Buildings Coming To 25-30 22nd Street, Astoria

Queens-based property owner Yun Lee has filed applications for two three-story, three-unit residential buildings at 25-30 – 25-32 22nd Street, in western Astoria, located eight blocks west of the Astoria Boulevard stop on the N and Q trains. The two buildings will measure 2,491 and 2,641 square feet respectively, and the entire development will boast 5,391 square feet of residential space. That works out to average units measuring 899 square feet apiece, the majority of which will be full-floor apartments. Long Island-based Gad Ashoori is the applicant of record. Demolition permits were filed in October to remove an existing two-story house and a single-story garage.

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30-07 Vernon Boulevard, image via Google Maps30-07 Vernon Boulevard, image via Google Maps

Permits Filed: 30-07 Vernon Boulevard, Astoria

The Durst Organization has just stopped construction on its sprawling megaproject on Hallets Point in Astoria, saying the taxes are “crushing” without the 421-a tax exemption. But developers are still rushing to build along the waterfront in the western Queens neighborhood. Developer Wayne Fried has filed applications for a seven-story, mixed-use building at 30-07 Vernon Boulevard, right next to Hallets Point and the East River.

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