
34-11 36th Street, rendering courtesy the JRT Realty Group

Kaufman Astoria Studios’ 100,000 Square Foot Expansion Revealed, Queens

Kaufman Astoria Studios first opened in 1921, and has long been a centerpiece of New York City’s media industry. The Astoria-based complex is no longer relying on its historical footprint, having recently become the first studio in the Five Boroughs to gain a backlot for filming. A backlot is a space containing permanent exterior sets. The latest addition to the campus will be a newly built four-story office building at 34-11 36th Street, Queens, that will include two new stages, which YIMBY can now reveal. The studio’s Astoria on Stage LLC is behind the applications.

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30-38 29th Street, via Google Maps

Permits Filed for 30-38 29th Street, Astoria, Queens

Permits have been filed for a seven-story residential building at 30-38 29th Street, in Astoria, Queens. The site is three blocks away from the 30th Avenue subway station, serviced by the N and W trains, and a block away from Athens Square. The famous Socrates Sculpture Park is also twelve blocks away. Ascent Development will be responsible for the project.

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37-01 30th Street Astoria

Permits Filed for 37-01 30th Street, Astoria, Queens

Permits have been filed for a seven-story mixed use building at 37-01 30th Street in Astoria, Queens. The site is ten blocks away from the Astoria Boulevard subway station, serviced by the N and W trains. While the project is not close to any new development, it is on a retail-rich avenue, which includes several national-brand stores. An anonymous LLC is behind the applications.

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