
27-15 27th Street, image via Google Maps

Permits Filed: 27-15 27th Street, Astoria

A five-story apartment building may replace a little 1910s wood frame house at 27-15 27th Street in Astoria. New building applications were filed last week to build 10 apartments on the site between Newtown and 30th Avenues, a few blocks south of the Astoria Boulevard stop on the N/Q trains.

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30-49 38th Street

Five-Story, Seven-Unit Residential Building Planned At 30-49 38th Street, Astoria

Property owner George Elliott, doing business as an anonymous LLC, has filed applications for a five-story, seven-unit residential building at 30-49 38th Street, in Astoria, eight blocks east of the N and Q trains’ stop at 30th Avenue. The building will measure 4,981 square feet in total, which means units will average a rental-sized 712 square feet apiece. New Jersey-based T.F. Cusanelli & Filletti Architects is the applicant of record, and permits were filed in July to demolish an existing two-story, multi-family townhouse.

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27-21 27th Street

Five-Story, Eight-Unit Residential Building Planned At 27-21 27th Street, Astoria

Property owner Alan Richer, doing business as an anonymous LLC, has filed applications for a five-story, eight-unit residential building at 27-21 27th Street, in Astoria, three blocks from the 30th Avenue stop on the N and Q trains. It will measure 5,726 square feet, which means units will average a rental-sized 716 square feet apiece. Some will be duplexes, according to the Schedule A. Astoria-based Christopher Papa is the architect of record, and an existing two-story townhouse must first be demolished.

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