
City Unveils Massive Rezoning Initiative to Spur Development in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Extensive rezoning proposals from New York City’s Department of City Planning could spur a dramatic uptick in development along the shores of Gowanus, Brooklyn. Known among city agencies as the “Gowanus Neighborhood Plan,” the initiative is designed to facilitate the construction of residential and commercial properties, to encourage population increase, and to help create new job opportunities for local residents.

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Existing garage structure at 114 15th Street (via Google Maps)

Permits Filed for 114 15th Street in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Permits have been filed for a five-story apartment building at 114 15th Street, in Brooklyn. Located in Gowanus on the interior block between 3rd Avenue and 4th Avenue, the lot is two blocks north of the Prospect Avenue subway station, serviced by the R train. Also nearby is the 4th Avenue-9th Street subway station, serviced by the F and G trains. Bob Delidimitriou of Delidakis Construction Co. is listed as the owner behind the applications.

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601 Baltic Street in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Permits Filed for 601 Baltic Street in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Permits have been filed for a nine-story mixed-use building at 601 Baltic Street, in Brooklyn. Located on major thoroughfare 4th Avenue in the Gowanus neighborhood, the corner lot is five blocks south of Atlantic Avenue Barclays Center Station, serviced by the 2, 3, 4, 5, B, D, N, Q, R, and W trains. Yiannes Einhorn of Einhorn Development Group is listed as the owner behind applications.

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Permits Filed For A Six-Story Residential Building at 670 Union Street in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Permits have been filed for a new six-story residential building at 670 Union Street, in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Gowanus. The site is between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue, and sits half a block away from the Union Street subway on the R train. The new structure will rise from a lot that is currently home to a pair of two-story buildings, 670A and 670B Union Street, and William Caleo of 668-670 Union LLC is listed as the developer.

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