Articles by Nikolai Fedak

1125 Whitlock Avenue, rendering via DCP

Permits Filed for 1001 Whitlock Avenue, South Bronx

Back in February, YIMBY reported the Ader Group wanted to rezone a site at 1125 Whitlock Avenue, in the South Bronx, revealing the developer’s plans for the all-affordable project in the process. Now, applications have been filed with the Department of Buildings for the first phase, at 1001 Whitlock Avenue, which will consist of a 14-story structure with 243 apartments spanning 201,284 square feet of residential space. There will also be an 8,998 square-foot community facility component. Newman Design Architects PLLC are listed as the architect of record, and completion is expected by 2019. At that point, work will begin on the second building, which will bring the total number of apartments in the complex up to 474.

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55 Flatbush Ave Ext

Permits Filed for 55 Flatbush Avenue Ext., Downtown Brooklyn

Most new developments comprising the Downtown Brooklyn boom are residential, but a sprinkling of commercial infill has also been occurring, and today, applications have been filed for a combination hotel and house of worship. Located at 55 Flatbush Avenue Ext., the plans seem somewhat irregular, and the hotel will actually occupy the lower floors of the building, with 71 rooms spanning the first 11 floors. The house of worship will be located on floors 12 through 16. Within the building’s 43,220 square feet of construction area, the hotel will total 21,541 square feet, and the community facility, 8,082 square feet. Gerald Caliendo is the architect of record, Jack Suratwala of Flatbush Hospitality LLC is listed as the developer, and the lot is already vacant.

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217 West 123rd Street

Permits Filed for 217 West 123rd Street, Harlem

A badly dilapidated home at 217 West 123rd Street is about to meet the wrecking ball to make way for a brand new development. Applications filed for the site, located between Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd and Frederick Douglass Blvd in the heart of Harlem, show that the house will be replaced by a six-story and 9,927 square foot residential building, divided amongst six units, for a condo-sized average size of almost 1,700 square feet. Henry Radusky of Bricolage Designs is the architect of record, John Khani of Hitech, LLC/Big Apple Developers is listed as the developer, and demolition permits for the existing structure have yet to be pulled.

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Foster's 200 Greenwich, composite by Jose Hernandez, image originally by Joe Woolhead

200 Greenwich Street May Finally Have an Anchor Tenant

The World Trade Center’s reconstruction has been in the works for over fifteen years, with multiple iterations of 200 Greenwich Street, aka Two World Trade Center, making the media rounds. Now, the New York Post’s Steve Cuozzo has reported that Deutsche Bank may be returning to the WTC, with the firm possibly set to lease 1.3 million square feet of space within the site’s last unbuilt supertall.

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