Articles by Nikolai Fedak

Jersey City skyline

95-Story Supertall Planned for Jersey City Waterfront at 55 Hudson Street

In New York City, the current real estate boom has left the largest marks on the Midtown Manhattan and Downtown Brooklyn skylines, but the rise of Jersey City over the past few years has been equally if not more impressive. And while the latest additions across the Hudson have been predominantly residential, YIMBY has word that a 95-story tower is now in the works at 55 Hudson Street, which could make it the tallest building in both Jersey City, and all of New Jersey.

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One Wall Street

Revealed: Robert A.M. Stern Designing Mixed-Use Conversion of One Wall Street

Earlier this year, YIMBY brought you a proposal for the transformation of One Wall Street created by CetraRuddy. While that version of the tower will remain unbuilt, we now have the first rendering of actual plans, created by Robert A.M. Stern for developer Macklowe Properties, as well as word that the development is seeking $100 million in EB-5 funding, or 6.6% of its projected cost of $1.502 billion.

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138 East 50th Street

Revealed: 138 East 50th Street, 803-Foot-Tall Midtown Condo Tower Designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli

Back in 2014, we reported on permits for a new 52-story hotel at 138 East 50th Street, between Lexington and Third Avenues in Midtown East. YIMBY can now reveal the latest plans for the site, which have changed significantly, and the entirety of the building above the retail base will be condominiums. The project has also received a significant height boost, and is now slated to stand 64 stories and 803 feet tall, with Pelli Clarke Pelli serving as the design architect.

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Nordstrom Tower's latest look, sans spire

Nordstrom Tower Has Lost Its Spire, Will Stand 1,550 Feet Tall

Last month, a rep for Extell told the NY Post that all images of Nordstrom Tower released so far are inaccurate, which is especially confusing considering some of the images came from documents produced in-house at the firm. But the PR doublespeak is technically correct, and YIMBY can now confirm that there has indeed been an additional tweak to the plans, and the country’s future tallest building (by roof height) has been scalped of its spire.

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