Articles by Nikolai Fedak

68-74 Trinity Place, image from Trinity Church

New Mixed-Use Tower Revealed at 74 Trinity Place, Financial District

The site at 68-74 Trinity Place has been one of the more notable recent demolitions in the Financial District, with the building coming down over the course of the past year. The site’s owner, Trinity Church, had previously planned a condominium building designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli. While those plans were shelved earlier this year, we now have new renderings of what will replace it.

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The Greenpoint, 21 India Street

New Rendering For The Greenpoint, 39-Story Tower Rising at 21 India Street in Brooklyn

Brooklyn’s waterfront is booming, and today YIMBY has a fresh rendering of one tower coming to the northern end, at 21 India Street, in Greenpoint. The site had previously gone by the address 10 Huron Street, and is currently sprouting a 39-story and 392-foot-tall tower, aptly dubbed The Greenpoint, which will contain apartments on its lower floors and condominiums up above.

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53 West 53rd Street, image by Kevin Leclerc/streetscaper

53 West 53rd Street Begins to Get Its Glass, Now Rising Into Residential Floors

After a decade of waiting, Jean Nouvel’s 53 West 53rd Street, formerly known as the Torre Verre and now known as 53W53, is finally climbing into the New York City skyline. And while the tower only stands about a dozen floors at the moment — up from only a handful when YIMBY last checked in on the site this past June — installation of its iconic cladding and glass has already begun, with the latest update thanks to YIMBY Forumer streetscaper.

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5 Beekman Street

Is 5 Beekman the New William Beaver House?

New York City’s development booms result in buildings of all shapes and types. And while each round of additions brings lots of positive changes to the city’s skyline, the city’s denizens must, unfortunately, accept the bad with the good. While new projects in surrounding blocks will eventually block much of the building from most perspectives, the misproportioned parapets of 5 Beekman are, in the intermediary, an affront to New Yorkers and the skyline.

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