Articles by Nikolai Fedak

Construction Workers on NYC’s Public Projects Make Up To 177% More Than Private Industry Counterparts

New York City’s infrastructure crisis stems from many issues, but one of the biggest problems in maintaining and expanding the city’s arteries are construction costs, which have ballooned into a stratosphere of unknown numbers and complete non-transparency on the part of city agencies. But now YIMBY has obtained data showing that salaries are up to 177% higher for unionized employees of contractors performing public works projects and building service work for government agencies than the prevailing wages of their respective private industry counterparts.

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1 Park Lane

New Views, Interiors, Possible Herzog and de Meuron Design for 1 Park Lane, aka 36 Central Park South

Last week, YIMBY revealed the exteriors for 1 Park Lane, which has an actual address of 36 Central Park South, the site of the current Helmsley Park Lane. While we speculated that Vinoly designed the building, we learned that Handel Architects was in fact behind the renderings; we have also obtained a new set of images which include that version of the project’s interiors and views, which will be very impressive.

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