
716 Beach Avenue

Four-Story, 10-Unit Residential Project Planned at 716 Beach Avenue, Soundview

Building permits have been granted for a four-story, 10-unit residential project at 716 Beach Avenue, in the East Bronx’s Soundview section. The new building will measure 10,372 square feet and its residential units should average 821 square feet apiece, indicative of rental apartments. Scarsdale, N.Y.-based L&R&G Contractors Corp. is the property owner and Pelham, N.Y.-based Fred Geremia Architects & Planners is the architect of record. The 37-foot-wide, 3,750-square-foot lot is currently occupied by a two-story house. Demolition permits were filed earlier this year.

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2667 Kingsbridge Terrace

Four-Story, 18-Unit Residential Building Filed At 2667 Kingsbridge Terrace, Fordham Manor

A Bronx-based property owner has filed applications for a four-story, 18-unit residential project at 2667 Kingsbridge Terrace, located in the West Bronx’s Fordham Manor section. The new building will measure 15,930 square feet and its residential units should average 713 square feet apiece, indicative of rental apartments. The units will spread across four above-grade floors plus an upper penthouse level. Pelham, N.Y.-based Fred Geremia Architects & Planners is the architect of record. The 52-foot-wide, 5,965-square-foot plot is occupied by a two-story house. Demolition permits were filed in September.

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