
101 Lincoln Avenue

Two 25-Story Mixed-Use Towers Planned At 101 Lincoln and 2401 Third Avenues, Port Morris

Earlier this year, Chetrit Group and Somerset Partners purchased two Bronx waterfront development sites at 2401 3rd Avenue and 101 Lincoln Avenue, in Port Morris, surrounding both sides of the Third Avenue Bridge, and now Curbed has the details for their project. The developers plan two 25-story towers totaling 1,600 residential units, across 1.3 million square feet, and retail space will span the first two floors. The site is currently occupied by warehouses.

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la central fxfowle

Permits Filed: 626 Bergen Avenue, La Central Supportive Housing, Melrose

At the very end of Bloomberg’s term as mayor, the city unveiled plans to transform a vacant city-owned tract in the Melrose neighborhood of the South Bronx into a million-square-foot affordable housing complex known as La Central. Now a new building application has been filed for the first part of the project, a nine-story supportive housing development at 626 Bergen Avenue.

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2051 Ryer Avenue

13-Story Affordable Housing Development Slated For 2051 Ryer Avenue, Tremont

Stagg Group has filed applications for a 13-story, 61-unit affordable housing development at 2051 Ryer Avenue, in Tremont. The structure will measure 44,860 square feet, and each rental-sized unit will measure an average 735 square feet. Mohammad Badaly’s Badaly Architects is the architect of record, and the existing 3,350 square-foot, two-unit apartment building must first be demolished.

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