
841A Morris Park Avenue

Three-Story, Eight-Unit Mixed-Use Building Planned at 841A Morris Park Avenue, Van Nest

Bronx-based property owner Nissan Cohen has filed applications for a three-story, eight-unit mixed-use building at 841A Morris Park Avenue, in Van Nest, located eight blocks from the Bronx Park East stop on the 2/5 trains. The structure will encompass 10,130 square feet and will feature 1,336 square feet of ground-floor retail space, in addition to a 389 square-foot doctors office, also located on the ground floor. The residential units will be located on the second and third floors and will average a rental-sized 714 square feet apiece. Jamaica-based Gerald Caliendo is the architect of record. The 51-foot-wide, 4,914-square-foot lot is currently vacant.

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