
3190 Riverdale Avenue

Five-Story, 13-Unit Mixed-Use Building Planned at 3190 Riverdale Avenue, Kingsbridge

Mohammad Badaly, head of Mount Vernon-based Badaly Architects, has filed applications for a five-story, 13-unit mixed-use building at 3190 Riverdale Avenue, in Kingsbridge, five blocks from the 1 train’s stop at 231st Street. The building will measure 19,628 square feet in total, and will feature 4,657 square feet of heath care facilities on two below-grade levels. Residential units above will measure 1,150 square feet apiece, and the existing two-story house passed pre-demolition inspection this past July.

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3109 Buhre Avenue

Seven-Story, 18-Unit Market-Rate Residential Project Filed At 3109 Buhre Avenue, Pelham Bay

Sharon Hakmon, head of Kew Gardens-based H Holding Group, has filed applications for a seven-story, 18-unit residential building at 3109 Buhre Avenue, in Middletown-Pelham Bay. Located in the East Bronx, three blocks from the 6 train’s Buhre Avenue stop, the building will measure 19,768 square feet. That means market-rate unit will average nearly 1,100 square feet a piece. The prolific Queens-based Gerald Caliendo is the architect of record, and demolition permits were filed in July to remove the existing two-family home.

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810 River Avenue

Reveal For 17-Story, 134-Unit Mixed-Use Building At 810 River Avenue, South Bronx

Renderings have surfaced for M. Melnick & Company’s planned 17-story, 134-unit mixed-use building at 810 River Avenue, in the Concourse, a block from the B, D and 4 trains’ stop at 161st Street/Yankee Stadium. Per Curbed, the building will measure 151,250 square feet in total, and will feature 24,560 and 1,680 square feet of retail and community space, respectively, across the first two stories. Apartments will average 933 square feet, and SLCE Architects is designing. Excavation work is currently underway.

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