
1017 Home Street, image via Google Maps

Senior Housing Set to Replace Abandoned South Bronx Church at 1017 Home Street

On a cold January day in 2009, a pipe burst and flooded the boiler of the Home Street Presbyterian Church, in the Foxhurst section of the Bronx. A small electrical fire destroyed the boiler for good, and the company that insured the church failed during the Great Recession. Facing a winter without heat and lacking the funds to repair the boiler, the congregation scattered to other churches in the South Bronx, and the little chapel on Home Street was abandoned. Now, the 1910 structure will be demolished to make way for affordable senior housing.

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1144 Evergreen Avenue, image via Google Maps

Permits Filed: 1144 Evergreen Avenue, Soundview

The loss of the 421-a tax abatement has certainly hurt development in the Bronx, but a few determined builders are still venturing out to parts of the borough where new construction is rare. Chelsea-based developer Kim Tasher has filed plans for a five-story residential and medical building at 1144 Evergreen Avenue, in the southeast Bronx neighborhood of Soundview.

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