69 Elvin Street

Four Three-Story, Two-Family Townhouses Planned at 69 Elvin Street, Castleton Corners, Staten Island

A Staten Island-based property owner has filed applications for four three-story, two-family townhouses at 61-73 Elvin Street, in Castleton Corners, on Staten Island’s North Shore. The buildings will measure 2,878 square feet each. Across all four, the residential units should average 1,231 square feet apiece. In each structure, one unit will spread across the basement and first levels, while the second unit will take up the second and upper mezzanine levels. Anthony Scaglione’s Staten Island-based architecture firm is the architect of record. The 17,177-square-foot plot, at the corner of Gannon Avenue North, is vacant.

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2019 West 6th Street

Three-Building, Six-Unit Residential Redevelopment Planned at 2019 West 6th Street, Gravesend

An anonymous Brooklyn-based LLC has filed applications to renovate and expand the two-story, two-family house at 2019 West 6th Street, in Gravesend. The project would also build two new three-story, two-family residential buildings on either side of the existing structure, at 2017 West 6th Street and 2021 West 6th Street, respectively. The existing house will see its residential space increase to 2,425 square feet, while the two new buildings will each measure 3,388 square feet. Across all three buildings, the apartments should average a family-sized 1,251 square feet apiece. Two single-car, 300-square-foot garages will also be built. Pirooz Soltanizadeh’s Jamaica-based Royal Engineering is the applicant of record.

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