
Rendering of 1059 Third Avenue - Binyan Studios

1059 Third Avenue’s Cantilevering Figure Nearing 481-Foot Pinnacle On The Upper East Side

1059 Third Avenue is climbing steadily toward its 481-foot and 30-story pinnacle on the Upper East Side, a milestone that is more than likely to be reached before the end of this year. The 127,000 square foot building is designed by Manuel Glas Architects and developed by Real Estate Inverland and Third Palm Capital. Since YIMBY’s last update back in July, the building had crossed the halfway mark, and now has about five floors left before construction workers reach the top.

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Waterline Square. Three Waterline Square at left, One Waterline Square at center, and Two Waterline Square at right. Rendering by Noë Associates with The Boundary.

Facade Work Wraps For Waterline Square On The Upper West Side

Waterline Square’s trio of towers are finally looking like their renderings. Aside from the construction hoist and a few odd windows, each building has its façade fully installed from the ground up. Once complete, the nearly 1,200-unit project will span five acres, and is being marketed as an effective mini-neighborhood enclave within the Upper West Side, with its own open park and retail market. GID Development Group is responsible for the project.

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