
10 Jay Street

10 Jay Street’s Glassy New Facade Rising, DUMBO, Brooklyn

Glacier Global Partners’ renovation and refurbishment of the 230,000 square-foot warehouse at 10 Jay Street is making major progress, per the latest photos from Tectonic. The 10-story building is receiving a glassy new facade designed by ODA New York, which was first revealed in a video posted by Curbed back in February of 2015. The crystalline exterior is up to the eighth floor of the structure, and completion is likely within the next year or so.

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1441 South Avenue

Permits Filed For CetraRuddy-Designed Office Building at 1441 South Avenue, Bloomfield, Staten Island

Staten Island rarely sees major new developments, and when it does, they normally appear on the island’s northeastern shorefront, in and around the St. George ferry terminal. But now, in the borough’s Bloomfield neighborhood on the far western side of the island, new job applications have been filed for an office building that will span just shy of 325,000 square feet, with a design by CetraRuddy Architects.

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40 10th Avenue

Excavation Making Headway for “Solar Carve” Building at 40 Tenth Avenue, Meatpacking District

YIMBY last reported on 40 Tenth Avenue when new building applications were filed for the site, in November of 2015. Now, with demolition of an old three-story warehouse complete, construction on the office project is finally getting underway. The progress on excavation has been substantial, and piling and caissons are also beginning to appear. Jeanne Gang Architects is behind the design, and the latest photos come from YIMBY Forum user JC_Heights.

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175 Greenwich Street

175 Greenwich Street Almost Finished, Glass Reaches Pinnacle

There has been no bigger development saga in Manhattan than the rebuilding of the World Trade Center, and while it may not seem glaringly obvious, things took a major step forward this week as the glass atop 175 Greenwich Street reached the building’s parapet. It will still take another few months for the southern and eastern sides of the supertall, aka Three World Trade Center, to be completely enclosed, but both northern and western fronts are now fully complete.

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1 Manhattan West and Hudson Yards

1 Manhattan West Rising Quickly, Midtown West

Midtown West’s resurrection into a legitimately urban neighborhood has taken nearly a decade to get fully underway, but as the cranes continue creeping upwards for Related’s Hudson Yards mega-project, it is easy to forget the supertall rising one block to the east. Today, YIMBY has an update on Manhattan West thanks to Tectonic, where the site’s first office tower continues to make rapid headway towards its 995-foot pinnacle.

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