
Checking in at the Site of 31 West 57th Street, in Midtown

Recent photos from the site of 31 West 57th Street show the property still bereft of construction activity. The perimeter along West 57th Street has been boarded up and plastered with black-and-white geometric art patterns, but not much has happened since the demolition of the original Rizzoli Bookstore and several other old low-rise buildings. 27-33 West 57th Street is among the most sought-after parcels of land along 57th Street, aka Billionaires’ Row, and it could still sprout a fairly tall skyscraper. The lot sits immediately to the west of the Solow Building and is slated to be developed by the LeFrak Organization.

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106 West 56th Street’s Setbacks Begin Taking Shape, in Midtown

Construction at 106 West 56th Street is ascending quickly. The multiple setbacks of the building’s northern elevation are beginning to take shape as the steel climbs toward its 403-foot planned height. The 27-story office tower is being designed by Perkins Eastman and developed by private equity firm Savanna Fund, along with Hong Kong-based developer Atom Assets. The site is located between Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue, just one block south of 57th Street, aka Billionaires’ Row. The closest subway is the F train at the 57 Street station on Sixth Avenue, while the N, Q, R, and W trains are to the west on Seventh Avenue and West 57th Street.

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Turkevi Center at 821 First Avenue Rising Quickly Above Turtle Bay, in Midtown East

Construction on the Turkevi Center at 821 First Avenue, in the Midtown East neighborhood of Turtle Bay, is making quick headway. The future 35-story home for the consulate of the Republic of Turkey is located between East 45th Street and East 46th Street. The glass skyscraper will reach 563 feet when it tops out in the coming months. Perkins Eastman is the designer of the mixed-use tower.

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