City Plans to Build Underground Sewage on Alloy Development Site in Gowanus
Back in December of 2015, Alloy Development proposed to build two 104,000-square-foot office buildings, along with 138,000 square feet of public park space, at 234 Butler Street and 242 Back in December of 2015, Alloy Development and the property owners of 234 Butler Street and 242 Nevins Street proposed to build two 104,000-square-foot office buildings and, along with a 50,000 square-foot public park, in northern Gowanus. The proposal aimed to convince two city agencies, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Parks Department, to build two underground sewage tanks mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency under Thomas Greene Park—instead of seizing, through eminent domain, the properties currently ground-leased by Alloy. The EPA has been pushing to install the tanks beneath the park, because it’s already owned by the city and will need to be excavated eventually to clean up contaminants.