
731-735 Autumn Avenue, photo by Christopher Bride for PropertyShark

Seven Two-Family Residential Buildings Now Planned At 731-743 Autumn Avenue, East New York

Earlier this month, YIMBY reported on applications for three two-unit residential buildings at 731-735 Autumn Avenue, on the eastern end of East New York near the Queens border. Yesterday, Matthew Adhoot filed applications for four additional two-unit buildings at 737-743 Autumn Avenue. The four added buildings combine for a total 11,157 square feet in residential space, which means units will average 1,395 square feet. Combined with the townhouses planned at 731-735 Autumn, the development will boast 14 residential units. Pirooz Soltanizadeh’s Queens-based Royal Engineering is the applicant of record.

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1287 East 19th Street

Eight-Story, 19-Unit Residential Building Filed At 1287 East 19th Street, Midwood

Joshua Markovics’ Brooklyn-based Royal Builders Realty has filed applications for an eight-story, 19-unit residential building at 1287 East 19th Street, in Midwood, four blocks from the Q train’s stop at Avenue M. The building will measure 19,723 square feet, which means units will average 1,038 square feet. Hudson Valley-based Kenneth Thomas is the applicant of record, and two dilapidated two-story homes must first be demolished.

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751 Lexington Avenue

Five-Story, 10-Unit Residential Building Planned At 751 Lexington Avenue, Bedford-Stuyvesant

Ryan Garbo’s Brooklyn-based GB Properties has filed applications for a five-story, 10-unit residential building at 751 Lexington Avenue, in central Bedford-Stuyvesant, four blocks from the J train’s stop at Kosciuszko Street and Broadway. The building will measure 7,200 square feet, which means units will average a rental-sized 720 square feet. Great Neck-based Bahary Architecture is the architect of record, and an existing single-story brick structure must first be demolished.

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1475 60th Street

Three Stories, Six Residential Units Coming To 1475 60th Street, Borough Park

Sam Weisner, operating as a Brooklyn-based LLC, has filed applications for two three-story, multi-family residential buildings at 1475 60th Street, in southern Borough Park, two blocks from the D train’s stop at 62nd Street. Each building will contain three units and the entire development will span 7,198 square feet; that translates into an average unit size of 1,200 square feet. Yevgeniy Mekhtiyev’s Brooklyn-based IMC Architecture is the applicant of record, and demolition permits were filed earlier this month to raze an existing three-story, three-family house.

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217 West 122nd Street

Four-Story, Two-Unit Townhouse Coming To 217 West 122nd Street, Harlem

Property owner Corey Sherman, doing business as an anonymous LLC, has filed applications for a four-story, two-unit residential townhouse at 217 West 122nd Street, in Harlem, located a few blocks from a slew of subways with stops at 125th Street. The building will rise on a vacant 12-foot-wide lot and will measure 3,502 square feet. Both residential units will be duplexes and should split the building relatively evenly, taking up two floors each. Queens-based Panagiotis Vikatos is the architect of record, and another unassociated six-unit building is also planned next door.

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