
Vertical Progress Imminent For Two-Tower Complex At 80 Clarkson And 570 Washington Street in West Village, Manhattan

Construction is about to go vertical at 80 Clarkson Street and 570 Washington Street, the site of a two-tower residential project along the Hudson River waterfront in Manhattan’s West Village. Designed by COOKFOX Architects with SLCE Architects as the architect of record and developed by Zeckendorf Development, Atlas Capital Group, and The Baupost Group, the $1.25 billion complex will consist of 29- and 36-story towers rising 400 and 450 feet, and will yield over 100 condominium units across the two towers, 175 affordable senior living homes, and commercial space on the lower levels. ACI VI Clarkson LLC is the owner and Suffolk Construction is the general contractor  of the 1.3-acre property bound by Clarkson Street to the north, West Houston Street to the south, Washington Street to the east, and West Street to the west.

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Excavation Readies for 29-Story Residential Tower At 15 West Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Site clearing is complete at 15 West Street, where a 29-story residential building is planned to rise within Cooper Robertson Partners‘ Calyer Place master plan in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Designed by SLCE Architects and developed by Halcyon Management Group, the property is alternatively addressed as 30 Porte Plaza and located at the corner of West and Quay Streets.

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Permits Filed for 82 Cooper Street in Bushwick, Brooklyn

Permits have been filed to expand a two-story structure into a four-story residential building at 82 Cooper Street in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Located between Evergreen Avenue and Bushwich Avenue, the lot is near the Wilson Avenue subway station, serviced by the L train and the Chauncey Street station, serviced by the J and Z trains. Mousa Toubiyan under the 82 Cooper LLCis listed as the owner behind the applications.

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