
1140 Bushwick Avenue

Four-Story, Seven-Unit Residential Building Coming To 1140 Bushwick Avenue, Bushwick

Mendel Gold has filed applications for a four-story, seven-unit residential building at 1140 Bushwick Avenue, in central Bushwick, four blocks from the J and Z trains’ stop at Gates Avenue. The building will measure 5,156 square feet, and units will average a rental-sized 737 square feet apiece. Long Island-based Udoette Isaiah is the architect of record, and the site’s current three-story townhouse was filed for emergency demolition over the summer.

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Nordstrom Tower's latest look, sans spire

Nordstrom Tower Has Lost Its Spire, Will Stand 1,550 Feet Tall

Last month, a rep for Extell told the NY Post that all images of Nordstrom Tower released so far are inaccurate, which is especially confusing considering some of the images came from documents produced in-house at the firm. But the PR doublespeak is technically correct, and YIMBY can now confirm that there has indeed been an additional tweak to the plans, and the country’s future tallest building (by roof height) has been scalped of its spire.

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1 Brighton 3rd Road

Five-Story, 25-Unit Residential Project Filed At 1 Brighton 3rd Road, Brighton Beach

Raymond Guindi has filed applications for a five-story, 25-unit residential building at 1 Brighton 3rd Road, in Brighton Beach, five blocks from the F train’s stop at Neptune Avenue. The building will measure 27,866 square feet, which means units will average 1,115 square feet, likely indicating condominiums. Downtown Brooklyn-based Sears Tambasco Architects is designing, and four single-story homes must first be demolished.

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59-35 Menahan Street

Three Stories, Six Residential Units Coming To 59-35 Menahan Street, Ridgewood

Property owner Vincent Cangialosi has filed applications for two three-story, multi-family residential buildings at 59-35 Menahan Street, in Ridgewood, eight blocks north of the M train’s Forest Avenue stop. A smaller six-unit building had been filed in January, but those plans now appear outdated. The latest filings call for six residential units — three in each building — spread across a total of 13,630 square feet, for very spacious units averaging 2,270 square feet. Salvatore Prainito’s Astoria-based Prainito Design Group is the applicant of record, and the site’s two-story home was filed for demolition earlier this month.

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